Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] none [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They keep sheep in Magdalen grove now , and I hear the fleecy care bleating all day long : I am shocked to find that none of my pupils , though they are all acquainted with pastoral poetry , regards them as anything but a nuisance : and one of my colleagues has been heard to ask why sheep have their wool cut off .
2 Consequently , it is not surprising to find that none of these mosaics is assignable , confidently , to a period before 330 ( or that all but no. 16 could be of the third quarter of the fourth century ) .
3 He tried to pretend that none of it mattered , could half convince himself .
4 He had quite rightly decided that he could do no good by playing with the Huns at 20,000 feet , so came down to see that none of them got me . ’
5 Mm , cos mum had Reverend come round , you see cos dad were n't , none of us were religious least of all dad , he could n't do none of it , so we said to , we did n't , we did n't know what vicar to choose cos none of us go to church so me mum said dad used to go to the church where me sister got married to the little Derby and Jones twice a week and Reverend is always there so mum said we 'll have him , dad got on well with him , he liked him , he knew dad , anyway he come round to see mum and I were n't there cos I had to go and sign on , I bloody wished I had been , anyway she said , she told him all about dad and she said I want you tell everybody how brave he was in the war and what a good father he were and a good provider and how he lived for his grandchildren and so on and so on , she said I do n't want no hymns I just want his own organ music all through the service and nothing else and just some , do a couple of prayers , she , so he said right the Lords Prayer will be fine that 'll be nice , well he never said nothing , he said I did n't know John but he said I 've been told he was a good man , he worked in a hospital , which he did , but I mean you 're only like an engineer we were n't really emphasising on that and that was all he said , he played a bit of the organ music before we went in , a bit as we come out and there was about eight bloody prayers and the songs and everything read out and made us sing a hymn ever so disappointed , hardly said anything , hardly play , played his music , no , I was well disappointed about that
6 And I was only one out the family of nine that volunteered to go and none of me brothers or none of them that was all keen on the sea , they did not seem to want to go .
7 I take leave to assume that none of my readers belong to this scapegrace company , but wish to cherish their possessions .
8 But he is careful to stress that none of the ‘ evidence ’ produced during hypnosis can be taken at face value .
9 I still do not know how this worked , but am prepared to swear that none of us present was responsible .
10 And in 1958 , when over eight million households had television licences , the various trade associations formed the Film Industry Defence Organization ( FIDO ) in an attempt to ensure that none of the nation 's producers sold their films to television .
11 Obviously we 're unable to ensure that none of you omitted cheat by not closing your eyes properly , but we know that if you do sneak a cheeky peek as the pen descends you 'll never be able to watch Bullseye again without suffering heart-rending pangs of guilt .
12 Due care must be taken to ensure that none of the primary wiring comes into electrical contact with the wiring on the secondary side of the transformer .
13 As part of the Minister 's continued opposition to settlements , can he say how the British Government , as a member of the troika , will discharge their responsibilities under the recent protocol signed with Israel and the European Economic Community to ensure that none of the money will go to any Israeli projects with any connection with settlements on the west bank or Gaza ?
14 I am certain of one thing , however : we must do all in our power to ensure that none of that happens .
15 Amazingly , he seems to believe that none of us know about the Tesla factory in Czechoslovakia and the various tube factories in China . ’
16 If , then , this column is going to be devoted to what could be called the ecology ( or Eco-logy ) of popular culture , it 's obliged to recognize that none of the emblematic artifices and artefacts of that culture , be they movies , commercials , headlines , photographs , typefaces , fashions or fads , can any longer be trusted to be ‘ innocent ’ ; that even if the crisp elegance of the typeface in which this article is embedded emits a ‘ meaning ’ as much as does the text itself , that meaning is also just as conscious and deliberate .
17 But he had grown to understand that none of them could even pretend to these things .
18 While we firmly believe that " a little of what you fancy does you good " , you need to understand that none of the drinks or foods in this group are good , when taken in excess , for the human body .
19 Nevertheless , Tories did remain committed to the principles of passive obedience , non-resistance and indefeasible hereditary right , but they were to argue that none of these had been compromised by the Glorious Revolution .
20 It was strange to think that none of them knew that Arabella was dead ; her absence made no difference to their lives .
21 The group 's publicity suggests that the issue being dealt with is mental illness , which led a therapist in the audience to say that none of the characters seemed to him to be mentally ill .
22 ‘ I 'm trying to say that none of it means anything to me .
23 Nor is it to say that none of the Webbs ' criticisms of Owen is valid .
24 Interestingly , under these conditions A has an effect on certain quantum-mechanical phenomena.t It would be unfair both to the vector potential and to quantum mechanics to say that none of those formulations have engineering applications ( in fact the most sensitive magnetometer built to date is based on that kind of theory ) , but by and large engineers would n't lose much sleep if the use of A were banned with immediate effect .
25 Erm I mean one way to do it of course is to say that none of our water 's fit for drinking , and you all get bottled water then would n't you .
26 It is important to note that none of the clauses we have so far dealt with have introduced a PAR construct ( SEQ , on the other hand , was introduced by ALT and CAR ) .
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