Example sentences of "[vb mod] not go on " in BNC.

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1 Then , properly managed , perhaps using birth control instead of the crude culls practised by Zimbabwe and its friends , there is no reason why elephants should not go on producing ‘ found ’ ivory ( tusks picked up after natural mortality ) and tourist revenue for ever .
2 ‘ They are anxious that they should not go on running a system which may in the long term be at a loss , ’ he said .
3 Later , from South Africa , he wrote to thank me for this advice , but now he reciprocated by telling me , with great gentleness , that I should not go on hoping , as he himself had searched the P.O.W. lists , and Leslie 's name was not on any of them .
4 Ron said that I should not go on to the track and kill myself because I might pull a hamstring .
5 To avoid boredom one activity should not go on for too long , so always have a variety of activities ready .
6 We may not go on to assume that informed opinion then had already recognised the nature of the prospective problem , nor to attribute to the reforming Whigs a reactionary motive which depends on that assumption .
7 It may or may not go on to say " produced in conjunction with brand X or company Y " .
8 At times Ludens wondered whether this state of affairs might not go on for ever , whether he might not give up his job and become Marcus 's — what ? — friend , secretary , servant , dog .
9 While the church dominated governing body of King 's College , London , did not object to Lyell 's geology , it sacked the theologian F. D. Maurice for suggesting that the indescribable torture of the damned might not go on for ever .
10 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
11 But a few minutes after he was launched into the speech he came to a dead stop , stared strangely at the gallery in silence , and could not go on .
12 He neither went towards her nor withdrew and she saw it could not go on like that .
13 Mr Kinnock could not go on ‘ inflicting his anger on the people of Hong Kong ’ .
14 Then , at a certain moment , I just could not go on with that any longer .
15 Arsenal , having won the Cup and two Championships in four years , could not go on for much longer with the same team , and in 1933 Chapman 's major concern was to find replacements to keep the club on top .
16 He was a big fit man but he realised he could not go on much longer , and his iron resolve began to melt in the face of the powers of nature surrounding him .
17 Alice could not go on playing .
18 The same realization came to the King , pushed towards his precipice by Hardinge harshly telling him that he could not go on without a decision .
19 But it could not go on for ever , both of them knew that .
20 ‘ The workload for both Barry Newbery and myself was tremendous , we both felt we could not go on much longer , and suggested that a third Designer be included on the team . ’
21 I can not … ’ but he could not go on because his voice was shaking with such rage .
22 She could not go on , and Ernest 's face fell .
23 Florrie could not go on .
24 The self-destruction of one partner meant that the games could not go on .
25 She took one step forward , then realized she could not go on .
26 But in 1869 Uncle Elias , who belonged to this secret group , suddenly left America with all their papers , and so the group could not go on .
27 I felt as if I could not go on .
28 This of course could not go on and she had no intention of staying .
29 He could not go on .
30 She too had had a call this day , and finally had told Mr Blaney in the shop that she was going , that she was unwell , could not go on .
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