Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] give [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A solicitor may only give advice and assistance to a child in relation to civil proceedings with the prior authority of the Legal Aid Area Director ( reg 14(1) ) .
2 It was fortunate that at that moment the handle of her basket , insecurely mended , should suddenly give way , scattering the contents over the pavement — a library book , some oranges , and a rather shamefully adolescent bag of liquorice all-sorts .
3 Judicial notions of justice must generally give way to those expressed by Parliament where they are inconsistent .
4 The clearer the disclosure and the description given of the effect of the loss of protections , the more likely it is that SFA would regard the customer as having sufficient understanding to qualify ; and ( 3 ) The customer must normally give consent in writing after getting a proper opportunity to consider the warning .
5 The court should thus give effect to the rules wherever possible , while at the same time seeking to avoid legalistic interpretation , particularly if this produces arbitrary or irrational results .
6 But then it is only a presumption ; and , as such , it must always give way to the language used if it is clear , and also to all counter presumptions which may legitimately be had in view in determining , on ordinary principles , the true meaning and intent of the legislation .
7 People have to earn your respect and just because they have a big desk , long title or an impressive uniform it does n't mean you should automatically give way to their judgements and decisions .
8 People have to earn your respect and just because they have a big desk , long title or an impressive uniform it does n't mean you should automatically give way to their judgements and decisions .
9 We must also give music its place in the crown of the arts .
10 The first is a lack of judicial time particularly when judges in Court of Session must also give priority to criminal cases .
11 The presence of some arboreal retentions in early australo- pithecines , and their association with palaeoenvironments that may have been more wooded than has formerly been thought , should also give rise to caution in identifying human origins .
12 The booklet should also give information about bus connections from Alton to local hospitals in that area .
13 The annual report should also give information on directors ' remuneration and the cost of non-audit services provided by the auditor .
14 You should also give details of all endorsements ( without disqualification ) .
15 Swann displayed a much firmer grasp of the significance of socio-economic circumstances in explaining the fate of students of Afro-Caribbean origin in the education system and had begun to notice that the achievement of students of Bangladesh I origin should also give cause for concern .
16 It is difficult to see why external links should inevitably give rise to greater control over one 's actions .
17 This dichotomy must surely give rise to resentment , however firmly repressed .
18 Unfettered competition of dog eat dog policies must surely give way to positive employment policies and achieve what desired , a society set free from idleness .
19 But their interests should surely give way to the greater public good in enhancing confidence in the integrity and fairness of the capital markets .
20 I disagree and think that a lone driver should never give lifts to strangers .
21 Normally we need to look at large numbers of objects ( tens , or perhaps hundreds ) : the analytical technique must therefore give results in a reasonable amount of time per sample and cope with large numbers of objects .
22 I should happily give way — if it were in my power to do so — to give them the opportunity to dissociate themselves from that appalling motion .
23 The issues are probably too complex to be adequately dealt with here , but the government should certainly give Gorbachev 's initiative every encouragement because it seems to be in this country 's own long-term interests .
24 Having the capacity of a CD-ROM at its disposal means that palmtop textual databases may soon give way to multimedia .
25 In both instances earlier discovery might obviously give rise to great savings in costs .
26 ‘ I 'll just give Cassie a hand … ’
27 On very rare occasions the design might even give prominence to the individual moneyer , the man responsible for the coin 's manufacture .
28 I might even give money to The Campaign for Heavier Helmets today .
29 Thus a 10-month-old baby who failed to respond to its name , or to betray signs of recognition towards its mother , twin sister , or even its rattle , might well give therapists cause for concern ; which is not to say that the normal baby , who does succeed in reacting appropriately , is thereby yet self -conscious .
30 Mere drunkenness will not of itself amount to disorderliness , although it might readily give rise to disorderly conduct .
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