Example sentences of "[v-ing] home to [art] " in BNC.

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1 HOLIDAY HEARTBREAK : But returning home to a burglary can be avoided
2 It was a shrewd thrust , bringing home to the sceptics the Pascalian contrast between the littleness of man , for all his ingenuity , and the immensity of the universe .
3 The amount of material that came to hand , and the urgency of bringing home to the public what was happening , even if possible stopping what was happening , suggested the form of this book .
4 To include any such anticipatory provision has the merit of bringing home to the individual partners the importance of viewing their involvement in the firm as a long term commitment , which may serve to reduce , if not to eliminate , the pain felt if and when a cash call has to be made .
5 When he 's not gee-ing up audiences , he says getting home to the Robbins residence near Rossendale Valley in Lancashire is the ideal time for this warm up man to cool off .
6 It will banish any anxieties that you may have about being alone at night or coming home to an empty house .
7 Coming home to the lesbian in me , my joys and fears were of a different nature from those posed by continually having to straddle the mutually hostile worlds of lesbianism and heterosexuality .
8 You know the , coming home to the , it 's all coming home to roost .
9 Me mother was like that , me dad said I do n't know whether I 'm coming home to the right house
10 You are covered from the time of leaving home to the time of arrival home from your holiday .
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