Example sentences of "[noun pl] can be described " in BNC.

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1 The APA says that many defendants can be described as ‘ sociopaths ’ .
2 In similar ways , arcs , ellipses and regular polygons can be described .
3 The three areas can be described as ones of political — religious mediation occurring at different levels of social process .
4 In the light of what he read to be the limitation laid down by the Court of Appeal , the judge concluded , at p. 663E , that ‘ little , if any , of the information sought by the administrators can be described as ‘ reconstituting the company 's knowledge . ’
5 Not many mountains can be described as beautiful , but Ben Loyal certainly can , compelling admiring attention by its graceful sculpturing and challenging appearance .
6 We can see from this that in the technical sense most large and many small organisations can be described as bureaucracies .
7 Not many potholes can be described as attractive , most being quite horrendous .
8 In practice , though , states and conditions can be described in a simpler language containing only the symbols constants : A B C table relations : on clear connectives : ∘ variables : x y …
9 Certain conditions can be described specifically e.g. broken limb etc , which when allied with the claimant 's occupation can generally provide a good indication of the potential duration of a claim .
10 The interrelationships between these concepts involve a shift from the descriptive framework in which thoughts and memories can be described as conscious , preconscious or unconscious — and feelings as either conscious or unconscious , but not preconscious — to a more dynamic framework of the psychic life of human beings .
11 Positivism in turn can be seen as a set of ideas tending to reinforce the ideological domination ( or ‘ hegemony ’ ) of the bourgeois class at a yet later stage when it had become the ruling class in Europe : if criminal actions can be described as the result of mindless pathology rather than rational choice this both absolves capitalism of any blame for crime and helps to delegi-timize protest against the existing order ( Taylor et al. , 1973 : ch. 2 ) .
12 In classical terms the mechanical properties of elastic solids can be described by Hooke 's law , which states that an applied stress is proportional to the resultant strain , but is independent of the rate of strain .
13 As already noted , those objectives can be described , in broad terms , as being to minimise the obligations of the drafter 's client , whilst ensuring , so far as possible , that the client 's trading partners perform their obligations .
14 Salts can be described as a collection of ions held together by their mutual electrostatic attraction .
15 Sets can be described by listing their members between pairs of curly brackets ( also called braces ) .
16 Without going into details , these procedures can be described as ‘ procedure by writ ’ and ‘ procedure by ( originating ) summons ’ .
17 Dielectric relaxation processes can be described formally by the following relations : and
18 The assumption underlying the above argument that the system of numbers can be described in certain objective propositions , involving no references — implicit or explicit — to any judging subject , or subjects .
19 The political involvements of Free Presbyterian ministers can be described as follows .
20 The degree of modification of the bones in both cases can be described as minimal , in common with other barn owl pellet accumulations , and there were no modifications from weathering .
21 Meetings of these Anonymous Fellowships can be described but precisely why the process works is not known in scientific terms .
22 Thus , the major part of the College 's activities can be described as intermediate in level between those of a typical college of agriculture and a university department of agriculture offering degree-level courses .
23 Like other graphics , fonts can be described in a high level manner , or as bit mapped images .
24 Thus , in the crates problem , the naive states can be described just by stating which crate is where , but the states of the real search space involve subtler relations .
25 The more expressive the language , the more possible states can be described in it ; and hence , the larger will be the space of states that a solver may have to search through for a goal .
26 The dissociation reaction from natural DNAs can be described by up to three exponential terms with half-lives ranging between 10-1000 seconds [ 1,12-14 ] .
27 Her photographs can be described as provocative , confrontational and full of issues concerning the constructed images of sexuality and gender .
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