Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] be subject " in BNC.

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1 In short , all language skills may be subject to automation .
2 We have seen that decisions and acts may be subject to judicial review if they are made or done in the exercise of public functions , whether those functions are conferred by statute or common law or neither .
3 Nevertheless , the courts have recognized the value of informal rules in a variety of contexts , and it is now quite clear that such rules may be subject to judicial review on a number of grounds ( as we will see in due course ) .
4 If one day a more fortunate world would like to see a peaceful Balkans , then these little Balkan states should be subject to demilitarisation no armies , no weapons , nothing .
5 All such plans must be subject to an environmental appraisal and show how local resources will be conserved and sustainably used .
6 All proposals should be subject to a conservation assessment by ADAS ( with NCC advice as necessary ) and subject to existing prior approval arrangements in National Parks ( and statutory consultation of SSSIs ) .
7 And gender relationships may be subject to the problems that can arise from conflicting discourses about femininity or masculinity .
8 ‘ New ’ animals may be subject to ‘ new ’ disorders , and ‘ better ’ , more disease-resistant animals may tempt AgriBusiness to keep them in worse conditions .
9 Given that urban districts may be subject to geographically uneven patterns of investment and disinvestment , the question arises as to whether urban redevelopment funds are targeted to those neighbourhoods most lacking in capital or those where private revitalisation is already well established .
10 Sir David Smith , the principal of Edinburgh University , has suggested that the MPs who shout most loudly for league tables of schools should be subject to the same treatment .
11 On March 21 Collor warned employers who dismissed workers that their books would be subject to " hostile inspection " and that they would be considered " unpatriotic " and guilty of " sabotaging " the economic programme .
12 I am grateful for my hon. Friend 's second point , because it is not yet widely understood by the three quarters of people who go into retirement with savings of their own that , as they approach retirement , their ability to build up those savings would be subject to a 9 per cent .
13 On the same basis , non-governmental ( or ‘ private ’ ) bodies which perform public functions may be subject to judicial review .
14 Such influenced companies may be subject to controls on borrowing , party political activity , conditions in contracts and other matters yet to be decided .
15 Firms issuing false certificates might be subject to lawsuits , but these are expensive .
16 Secondly , the presumption behind such an approach is that once the characterisation has been made the content of natural justice is fixed and certain : all administrative matters would be subject to the same rules , as would all judicial or quasi-judicial .
17 In the long run full employment was to be achieved through the overall control of purchasing power , and monopolies and cartels would be subject to State supervision to promote efficiency and an expansionist economic policy .
18 A penalty imposed in such circumstances would be subject to the normal appeal provisions .
19 The hon. Member for Halifax asked whether national health service trusts would be subject to the same guidance rules and discharge procedures .
20 The curriculum guide-lines outlined in the 1988 Act offer an entitlement for all children , but the quality of these experiences will be subject to the way schools interpret and act on these four important elements .
21 Once the Maastricht Treaty enters into force next year , some further policy areas will be subject to majority voting .
22 Industrial and commercial areas will be subject to certification and control under the Fire Precautions Act , as has been described for type I building and reference should therefore be made to this section for other matters of ancillary accommodation .
23 All listed companies will be subject to identical financial reporting requirements and other listing conditions .
24 Workshops , garages , and the vehicle dispatch and receipt areas can be subject to the same control ( previously the Factories Act ) and more specific requirements will be necessary for the storage of hazardous liquids , gases and combustibles , generally , with supporting requirements for fire fighting equipment .
25 Labour costs increase from year to year , materials costs and energy costs may be subject to less regular , but sharper , increases ; interest rates may be extremely variable , and hence the cost of financing products fluctuates .
26 Ours is the only Government who have as a priority in our negotiations in Brussels the provision that all subsidies should be subject to some form of environmental assessment .
27 There is an agreement that nuclear bases shall be subject to joint decisions .
28 Outline planning approvals will be subject to conditions ( reserved matters ) , for example , specification of the type of development , density , means of access , approval of detailed plans and design , including external appearance , siting and landscaping .
29 Old conversions can be subject to settlement .
30 The long-standing claim by journalists to be bound by honour to protect their sources should be subject to the law , as were those of doctors and bankers .
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