Example sentences of "[art] long period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Both may be guessing , although the Encomiast is reasonably well-informed on the campaigns late in Æthelred II's reign , and William 's report of mixed methods need not be far wrong , even if it is a guess ; the armies which troubled England over the long period between c.985 and 1016 do often seem to have comprised the warbands of a number of men , are unlikely to have been organised and commanded solely by Danish kings , did not consist entirely of Danes , and frequently appear to have been motivated mainly by a desire for booty .
2 But this preoccupation can do little to illuminate the long period of non-divorce and tends in the end to convey a linear development , implied also by the title of the book , notwithstanding Stone 's concern to stress the variability in the meanings of divorce , marriage , and morality .
3 The long period of housing the stock meant that the farmer was able to carry out the necessary work in the mornings and evenings .
4 The long period of gestation of the new legislation which began in the climate of reform typical of the 1970s but became entangled then in the fiscal and ideological retrenchment of the 1980s , reveals the complexity of the political debate and the variety of interests that had to be reconciled in drafting a new legal reference point that would modernize Germany 's approach to all questions of youth while at the same time express continuity .
5 All of them were ready for action after the long period of training , but when they arrived they found that a gale had brewed up .
6 During the long period of her recovery , Dawn understandably had bouts of severe depression , so at one stage she was referred to a clinical psychologist for counselling .
7 They felt the probable cause was the long period of high blood pressure she had experienced before and after the birth of her child .
8 The long period of domination by municipal socialism is said to have produced a dependence on the local authority , especially through provision of council housing .
9 This was viewed as crucial to end the long period of disruption in schools and to deal with the problems of student demotivation .
10 But the long period of non-use can be said to amount to a custom , and to create a reasonable expectation that the pattern of restraint should continue in the future ( O'Brien , 1967 , pp. 79–80 ) .
11 Clarkson 's account of his entry into his antislavery role stressed the long period of crisis in which he indecisively debated with himself and James Ramsay what to do .
12 Added to these was another important element , for the period of the festival was a time of licence : this was a necessary outlet in the community for the tensions repressed after the long period of hard physical toil .
13 At some stage in the long period of hero-making , he became semi-divine , the progeny of a tribal king and the female titular deity .
14 The arts world has almost grown accustomed to the hand-to-mouth condition in which it is kept , but what it has not become resigned to over the long period of Tory rule is the positive hostility to its aims and values .
15 The chapters of this book recount the way in which Home Secretaries from both of the main parties handled their assignments between 1947–79 and , in more detail , during the long period of Conservative Administration between 1979–92 .
16 The long period of Conservative government from 1951–64 made it easier for Labour MPs , released from electoral inhibitions , to press for abolition .
17 During the long period of growth , management had gradually stripped production workers of responsibility for product quality and process operations by creating an elaborate technical hierarchy .
18 This sister , Elisabeth , was to count for a good deal in Nietzsche 's later life , favourably and otherwise : she eventually became the custodian of all his surviving works during the long period of incapacity that preceded his death and continued in that influential role , which she executed in a highly questionable way , for thirty-five years afterwards .
19 Following this we have the long period of isostatic emergence , rapid weathering of the new mountains with the formation of molasse-type deposits , widespread red bed sedimentation and also perhaps a period of glaciation , before peneplanation , widespread marine transgressions and the recommencement of the cycle in new troughs .
20 However , there is an equally wide body of opinion , expressed mainly by manufacturing industries , which oppose such a move because it believes that it would disrupt the long period of uninterrupted production between the August holiday and the Christmas break .
21 Given the 74 years of Communist dictatorship and the long period of Tsarist dictatorship before that , is it not essential to provide aid and assistance so that at long last Russia and the countries associated with the former Soviet Union can become stable democracies ?
22 I left him in charge of the whole of my affairs during my absence from England , with a perfect conviction that he would zealously exert himself for my interest , and the confidence I reposed in him has been fully realised , not only during my absence , but during the long period of eighteen years . ’
23 These are the words spoken by the Bishop to those catechumens who , after the long period of formal preparation express their desire to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church .
24 Even if he had got the kind of constitution that he wanted , could he have stomached the long period of economic rebuilding — with all its attendant constraints — that lay ahead of France in 1946 ?
25 In South America , too , there were no true dogs or cats during the long period of isolation that we are discussing but , as in Australia , there were marsupial equivalents .
26 This is often impossible to obtain , however , as many of the torture techniques leave few visible injuries , or only superficial injuries which disappear during the long period in police custody .
27 In a formal sense at least , the long period in the wilderness was over .
28 Throughout her marriage , and during a long period as a single parent , she was a journalist , editing magazines such as Honey , Over 21 , and Working Woman , as well as being Woman 's Page Editor on the Sunday Times and The Independent .
29 ‘ This is one that Alan has had for a long period of time , ’ Mr Cross said .
30 But the broad package of interventions and centralization over such a long period of time surely outstrips that carried out by any previous government .
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