Example sentences of "[noun sg] it be said " in BNC.

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1 At the inception of the previous chapter it was said that all grants of power to public bodies could be broken down into two parts : if X exists , you may or shall do Y.
2 Of the first edition it was said : The book deals with the whole gamut of infectious diseases but due emphasis has been placed on the common diseases , both in their typical and atypical forms and on those aspects of the less common diseases which a practitioner may recognise …
3 Doors and bolts had been fixed , but in a three-month period it was said that ‘ 14 dozen locks ’ had been broken , the children had burned down the door , and even iron gates had not stopped them from gaining access to the roof and throwing stones on people below .
4 In the jargon it is said that they can not even get on the Masters and Johnson ‘ ski-slope ’ , let alone start down it .
5 Inside the shrine it is said there lies the Chamber of Days , a place where the histories of the Phoenix Kings past , present and future are written in words of fire upon stone .
6 Originally , the cross celebrated the vernal equinox and the rites of spring associated with the goddess Eostre , from whose name it is said the Venerable Bede derived the name for Easter .
7 In Eliza Vaughan 's day it was said of Courtfield : ‘ You nearly break your neck going , but more nearly break your heart leaving there . ’
8 Later in the day it was said that the Germans had refused to issue any more food parcels for the rest of the week .
9 Moderator it is said that a passion for consistency is the mark of a small mind which probably explains why I have a passion for consistency .
10 On her behalf it was said she 'd won 100 's of prizes for her livestock .
11 On Harper 's behalf it was said that although he 'd been reckless , dangerous and stupid by starting the fire , there 'd been no evil or mischief in his mind .
12 He commented with amazement that the charge was supposed to be entirely arbitrary and that at one ground it was said to be nil .
13 Maria ( whose name is pronounced ‘ Mah-Rye-Yah ’ , as in ‘ Black Maria ’ ) is the daughter of a Bean Street neighbour , and suddenly without provocation it is said that she starts an uproar of a fight in which Mrs Jenkins is stabbed .
14 Should the company do a thing which was outside the scope of the clause it was said to be beyond the company 's powers and ultra vires.At common law an ultra vires act was unlawful and without binding effect and a shareholder could restrain the company from undertaking ultra vires activities .
15 Because a mosque stood next door it was said that the cinema had been rejected by Allah as an unworthy neighbour .
16 I SYMPATHIZE with the Duke of Wellington who , towards the end of his life it is said , grieved continually over all the brave men killed at the Battle of Waterloo .
17 In a more recent case it was said that the evidence called must be commensurate with the seriousness of the allegations made ( per Butler-Sloss LJ in R v Birmingham CC , ex pP [ 1991 ] 1 WLR 221 ) .
18 IN the Budget it was said that beer was going up by 1p a pint , was it not ?
19 If the statement does not become incorporated into the contract it is said to be a representation ; something said in the course of the negotiations leading up to the contract itself .
20 Built as a hunting lodge for the Deer Park it is said to be haunted by a huntsman in green !
21 U , of spectral type M , appears to be irregular , with a range of from 5.6 to 7.5 ; EU ranges from 6.0 to 6.9 , and is also of type M. It is said to be semi-regular , with a period of around 60 days , but I have never been at all confident about this .
22 In the Far East it is said that a girl is not eligible for marriage until she can cook a perfect bowl of rice .
23 When a bank note can be exchanged for gold on demand at a bank it is said to be convertible or redeemable .
24 The search for the nature of the distinctively gay sensibility can be productively redirected as an exploration of the limitations of the aesthetic as conventionally understood , especially the way it is said to transcend the socio-political , and used in support of the proposition that discrimination is the essence of culture .
25 In the way it is said that the Tour de France does not really begin until it reaches the Alps , the cognoscenti contend that the first 63 holes are jockeying for position .
26 Eileen had blushed scarlet at the contemptuous word , and the equally contemptuous way it was said .
27 contribution it is said .
28 In this position it is said to indicate " Full scale deflection " .
29 This time it was said more slowly and with powerful conviction .
30 At the beginning of time it was said to have arisen from the primeval waters , the waters of Chaos .
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