Example sentences of "[prep] a longer [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then , after a longer pause than usual , he affirmed : ‘ And that is as far as my thought has reached ’ .
2 Early studies in the USA ( Hughes , 1923 ; Woodbury , 1925 ) reported higher infant mortality rates for those born after an interval of less than two years than for those born after a longer interval .
3 The relationship between birth interval and frequency of still births seems to resemble " U " or " J " shaped curves , inasmuch as the still birth ratio is very high if the preceding birth interval is short ( less than a year ) and decreases after one completed year up to a five year interval but , if the next birth follows only after a longer interval , the chance that it will result in a stillborn baby increases again .
4 On a small site it is important to think about the conditions and to consider what is the best way of turning to make use of a longer run on the airfield , or to avoid having to dodge obstructions .
5 This passage is part of a longer passage cited with approval by Lord Keith of Kinkel , Lord Griffiths and Lord Goff of Chieveley in Attorney-General v. Guardian Newspapers Ltd .
6 The passages were constructed so that they contained a target clause which in one version of a passage formed a sentence on its own and in another version was part of a longer sentence .
7 For example , the third clause in the following extract ( a ) is part of a longer sentence : ( 1 ) The tone of the document was threatening .
8 Who will be allocated to cardiac surgery and the chance of a longer life — and who will decide ?
9 Not everyone , however , accepts the desirability or feasibility of a longer working life .
10 Thus for increasing exposure a rise in the reading could be due either to new material seen or to the phenomenon that we have called spreading , i.e. the effect according to which a subject is seen as larger merely because of a longer exposure .
11 The line was once part of a longer route that ran to Sheffield , using the Woodhead tunnel under the Pennines .
12 The pronunciation may have been stored before , but as part of a longer word ( e.g. tea as part of teacher ) .
13 Gone are the days when you were likely to be alone on the rim path , but if the five miles escarpment is included as part of a longer circuit of the vast moorland , walkers seeking solitude will find their fair share — and a good test of their navigation skills .
14 Vulcanian eruptions sometimes form the first phases of a longer eruption , when the volcano is ‘ clearing its throat ’ for the real business , and as such , there may be no new magmatic material involved , and all the material that is showered up as ash to form the ‘ cauliflower cloud ’ may be merely old , cold , solid lava which was previously blocking up the throat ; if this is the case , the eruptions are sometimes called ultra-vulcanian .
15 We can make our ‘ tree diagram ’ grow to look like this : If we then look at this phrase in the context of a longer phrase ‘ twenty places further back ’ , and build up the ‘ further back ’ part in a similar way , we would end up with an even more elaborate structure :
16 In October Swinderby appeared and handed in another defence of a longer set of opinions ; on these he was adjudged heretical , but he managed to escape from custody .
17 Here it forms part of a longer account of man 's history from his creation , as in Genesis .
18 An awareness of a longer span of time also comes with motherhood , a sense of being connected to both past and future through a succession of births .
19 as part of a longer term review of legal aid policy , to pay modest sums to firms who allow their trainees and young solicitors to undertake the more straightforward cases now undertaken on legal aid .
20 He had requested these resignations as part of a longer term plan to reduce the number of ministries to nine and , in the short term , to provide evidence that the government was intent on achieving greater efficiency .
21 It must be stressed that these examples refer in some cases to complete pieces of music , in others to themes which form only part of a longer movement .
22 ‘ I was thinking of a longer stay . ’
23 While life expectancy has extended , it appears to have been at the price of a longer period and a greater proportion of life being spent in chronic sickness .
24 Should we dump everything down onto a long-term storage medium and select at the end of a longer period of time with the benefit of historical hindsight , say after 25 years ?
25 Unlike our special Megatape version , Touchdown 's will allow you to save tournaments to tape and play matches of a longer duration .
26 As part of the process of writing from the very beginning , and writing in small steps , from the first day you should write down , and keep available , notes consisting of a few sentences on each of the following : ( a ) the essay 's hypothesis ( the claim it is interested in exploring ) ; ( b ) the evidence or data you are going to use ( the facts , quotes , parallel cases from other texts , etc. , that you are in the process of collecting ) ; ( c ) brief statements of your ideas so far ; ( d ) in the case of a longer dissertation , the preliminary results of a " literature search " ( a survey of bibliographies to find things to read ) .
27 In non-ELT materials you can look for situations which are likely to feature highly predictable language : scenes set in restaurants or shops , at parties , the reception desk or the dining table can sometimes be picked out of a longer programme and used in isolation to give an example of particular language functions in operation .
28 the possibility of a longer time scale for task completion
29 Entering and leaving conversation , bidding for a longer turn , refusing without appearing rude , changing the topic , are all notoriously difficult for foreign learners : tasks for which the language classroom , where turns are patiently organized and controlled by the teacher , has hardly prepared them .
30 For a longer tour , you can explore the impressive outer towers , gatehouses and artillery works , and see how Dover 's defences have kept pace over the centuries .
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