Example sentences of "[prep] the extra time " in BNC.

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1 The most recent research suggests that children who were breast fed have higher intelligence than those bottle-fed from birth , after allowing for the extra time breast-feeding mothers might spend with their babies or extra effort they might put into mothering .
2 So that the training is not unduly prolonged the deans suggest that the undergraduate course could be shortened to compensate for the extra time spent as a house officer .
3 The cost should average out at about £6 per page , less for longer runs , but you will have to allow for the extra time .
4 In 1940 he had been quite prepared , if need be , to serve in a dangerous capacity in the ranks because he felt he could be more useful in such a rôle at that critical moment in the country 's affairs , rather than go through the extra time and training there and then for a commission .
5 Whatever may be the attitude of any individual teacher , if s/he does not receive adequate support from the school in implementing change , s/he is likely to give up , or decide that the innovation is not worth the extra time and energy required .
6 Constructionally , I did n't make the tables easy for myself , but the detailing seems to have been worth the extra time spent .
7 Is the certificate worth the extra time and considerable effort involved on top of implementing a TQM programme ?
8 While the costs of maintaining the closed route will be saved , these may be offset by the need to deploy additional resources because of the extra time required to send trains via the diversionary route .
9 At the moment erm because of the extra time we 've got available because production investment has been delayed because of ministerial decisions , we 've set in train three further studies and they will look collectively at alternatives , comparison in combat modelling and also in the numbers and if I could describe those three very briefly because I think they 're the they 're relevant to what we 're talking about .
10 Manville only trusted himself , and to hell with the extra time manual effort consumed .
11 His training had benefited from the extra time , he was assured by any superior who could spare the energy to talk to him , and indeed he was an expert radio operator and cipherist , who could also — in theory — kill , survive , and use a parachute .
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