Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] [adv] assumed " in BNC.

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1 They mean an easy , phonetic ( or rather phonemic ) system such as alphabetic literacy and they think of a ‘ literate society ’ as one in which such a script is widely assumed in public life , as they claim it was in sixth century Greece .
2 Greek tragedy is generally assumed to have had an original connection with Dionysus .
3 Despite the fact that single-parent families , people on their own , or unrelated people living together constitute 32 per cent of all households ( Central Statistical Office , 1979 , p. 44 ) , the household is generally assumed to be the nuclear family .
4 The missing actor is usually assumed to be the writer .
5 No complete census of dolphins has ever been carried out in India , although the total population is generally assumed to be between 4000 and 5000 .
6 Knowledge is also assumed in the functional views of language described in 3 .
7 That the ethics of prevention trials is often a resource driven argument is tacitly assumed but rarely explicitly stated .
8 Uniqueness is typically assumed , but is by no means guaranteed , as we have seen in Lecture 6 .
9 Similarly the south gate is usually assumed to be at the end of Southgate Street where an internal street points in the direction of Boley Hill ; the existence of a cemetery in this region outside the walls would support this assumption .
10 The dip of this master detachment fault at the time of active deformation is then assumed to coincide with its current dip of 10° northeastwards .
11 Infant mortality is frequently assumed to be an especially sensitive indicator of severe poverty .
12 Nor can the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East claim that it would come from growth , because growth is already assumed in our plans .
13 A shipowner whose liability is automatically assumed up to a certain level , and strictly limited above that , will have less incentive to avoid a costly spill .
14 Since Bentham 's position is usually assumed to be rigorist , it is worth pointing out that his main formulations , such as we have described above , seem to be non-rigorist .
15 We shall now take a ferromagnetic material that has a very narrow hysteresis loop so that we can assume with good approximation a unique ( though of course nonlinear ) relationship between B and H. The material is again assumed to be of a toroidal shape but it is now excited by a current I flowing in a coil of N turns ( Fig. 3.13(a) ) .
16 ‘ Is it not remarkable , ’ she said , her pretty brows arched in bewilderment , ‘ that an organisation set up in support of the family is thereby assumed to be against the welfare state ?
17 Aggregate supply is either assumed to be time-trended or represented in some other naive fashion .
18 Communicative dynamism is therefore assumed to be achieved by the interplay of these three factors : linear modification ( i.e. gradation of position , syntax ) , semantic structure , and context .
19 ‘ Unpolluted ’ precipitation is commonly assumed to have a pH value of 5.6 ( or 5.65 ) , although in reality the pH of precipitation in even the most remote areas of the world is typically lower than this , averaging around 5.0 .
20 In both cases , the objection is simply assumed to be valid , without proof , and before the evidence has even been considered .
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