Example sentences of "[modal v] not be measured " in BNC.

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1 On the second baseline there is no reason in the definition why it should not be measured as the number of violent outbursts including shouting at baby sister to make her cry .
2 Efficiency should not be measured for efficiency 's sake .
3 The power of software should not be measured in terms of technical efficiency or elegance of design .
4 Colleagues action of this nature should not be measured in terms of money .
5 Being a major shareholder or a director was rather like holding some honorific office within the community ; it brought its own private and social satisfactions which could not be measured financially .
6 How , indeed , were mental states to be measured , and how was a mental state to be judged to be lessened or heightened if it could not be measured , even crudely ?
7 The variability of the blueshifted features could not be measured , because their intensity was too low .
8 if these young men possessed traces of the Beastblood , it was from so far back that it could not be measured , and it was so slight that it could no longer hold the power to call upon the beasts for aid .
9 The thickness of the rectal wall during distension could not be measured .
10 The probability of the happening of such events need not be measured , for the court does not inquire as to the adequacy of consideration .
11 And how will we know community care is working , when unmet need need not be measured ?
12 For the animal shall not be measured by man … .
13 The support our volunteers provide can not be measured in purely practical terms and their continuing contribution is vital if we are to provide an ongoing service .
14 Demand can not be measured or estimated , but demand will materialise if a suitable product and marketing mix are introduced .
15 The radioactive potassium has a very long half-life ( 1250 million years ) so that the amount lost is extremely small relative to the total amount of potassium present and can not be measured .
16 This means that writing development must be defined in broad terms and can not be measured solely by one-off tests at particular ages .
17 It can not be measured by scientific instruments — and here we must leave it !
18 Many teachers argue that the more important things that they are concerned with , the ‘ something more ’ , are qualities that can not be measured by tests of competence ; if teaching is geared to what can be measured , objectives in other words , then these important qualities will be omitted and both the teaching and students will be the poorer .
19 Few astronomers , if any , doubt that this process explains the redshift in the light of ordinary galaxies , and because observations of nearby galaxies ( whose distance can be measured in other ways ) show that their redshifts are proportional to their distances from us , it is assumed that measuring the redshift of a very remote object , whose distance can not be measured directly , tells us how far away it is .
20 Until such time as the long overdue rationalization of obscenity and indecency legislation takes place the Association 's resolve can not be measured , but some sustained lobbying on the idiosyncrasies of censorship law would not be amiss .
21 ‘ Many sub-units of companies simply can not be measured by revenue , contributions to profits , or costs related to output units … for a department of this kind , the best and perhaps the only measure of performance is achievement of predetermined programmes within budgets . ’
22 Such values can not be measured by numbers ( though Jeremy Bentham ( 1748–1832 ) , the founder of utilitarianism , thought that they could ) , but are no less real for all that .
23 Spiritual achievements can not be measured — these are in the hands of God .
24 Success can not be measured in material terms when such blinding indulgence overrides the enjoyment of physical wellbeing .
25 Linguistic ability can not be measured directly , but only via elicitation procedures which attempt to make visible a certain aspect of a child 's language .
26 But success can not be measured merely in numbers of offspring .
27 Anything that can not be measured does not exist .
28 Diffusing knowledge and acquiring it are as much an art as a science , processes influenced by variables which can not be measured as much as by those which can .
29 Most importantly , effectiveness can not be measured in the generality ; it has to be seen in the context of what each firm is trying to achieve .
30 The endowment of religious houses and other institutions , though greatly reduced until the end of the century , was thereafter far from contained by this statute and can not be measured simply by the licences enrolled in chancery , since various devices were employed to circumvent the law .
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