Example sentences of "[modal v] be obtain [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The formidable Mrs. Mary Campbell of Boquhan , a lady with great influence in the affairs of the town of Stirling , and with equally strong views on the choice of a minister for her parish church , demanded that the king 's presentation should be obtained for Robert Ure , who was the assistant minister of St. Ninian 's parish .
2 Secondly , the Ulster Unionist party felt that supplies of natural gas should be obtained for Northern Ireland .
3 A copy should be obtained for the departmental records ( CFS binder ) .
4 The advice of your local Agricultural Advisory Officer should be obtained on cultivations .
5 The client must be made aware that you will not necessarily recover the full amount of your expert 's fees on taxation and the authority should be obtained on this basis .
6 The client is entitled to want a good product : if the agency has been well chosen , this should be obtained without the need to worry too much how it happens .
7 A new report binding machine , together with covers and other consumables , should be obtained as a general office facility .
8 An aide memoire covering basic client data which should be obtained at an initial meeting is set out at 1109.1 .
9 An aide-memoire for basic client data which should be obtained at an initial meeting is at 1109.1 .
10 We , and others , recommend that a sample should be obtained after one hour for both routes and are pleased to receive one at all , for it immediately involves the medical microbiologist in the care of the patient , and close cooperation is important .
11 client approval should be obtained before any information is released .
12 Earlier in the century there was much less emphasis upon the exact valuation of a heritor 's holdings , but there was , equally , little doubt in the minds of freeholder-heritors that they should be the judges of the qualifications of a candidate , and that a presentation should be obtained in accordance with their views .
13 It was further recommended that Okinawa be retained and that whatever was needed by way of other facilities should be obtained in the Ryukyus .
14 This chapter has shown the steps that can be taken to ensure that a direct file is optimized , and if the file designer follows the rules laid down here , good results should be obtained in almost any situation .
15 Proof of outlay should be obtained in every instance .
16 Proof of outlay should be obtained in every instance .
17 a certificate of posting should be obtained in either case if taken directly to the post office or a file note of despatch kept if posted through internal mailing system ;
18 ECGs should be obtained in all family members when the index case presents with symptoms .
19 Irrespective of which method is used , full details of the sub-contractor 's background , including employment history , should be obtained by a requirement either to complete an application form or to attend an interview .
20 improved value for money should be obtained by cutting down on unnecessary procedures , ( e.g. committals , remand hearings ) , strengthening controls on the progress of legally aided proceeding , changing listing practices , and restricting legal aid to solicitors who have demonstrated competence by membership of an appropriate panel ;
21 Obviously , legal advice should be obtained from a professional body , trade union , or solicitor well versed in such claims .
22 More detailed information should be obtained from the relevant grant-awarding bodies ( for addresses see page 47 ) .
23 The UCCA handbook and an application form should be obtained from your school or college .
24 but where there are no formal rights of way the position is that permission should be obtained from the landowners .
25 Information should be obtained from the director , Susan Brind .
26 There are , however , other important reasons why your dietary fibre should be obtained from fruit and vegetables as well as cereals .
27 Information should be obtained from the director , Susan Brind .
28 Further information about the University , conditions of appointment and the method of application should be obtained from the Academic Staff Office , Macquarie University , NSW 2109 Australia , telephone 7390 , facsimile .
29 It is particularly important that serum should be obtained from blood in which the fibrin clot has formed in plasma rather than whole blood .
30 More details about this should be obtained from your social worker or manager of your care home .
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