Example sentences of "[conj] over [art] period " in BNC.

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1 Often this is to do with the fact that the current bereavement has driven the person into emotional overload because of everything else that is happening in their life either currently or over a period of time .
2 This may be in a particular meeting or over a period of time .
3 The growth rate of product wages did peak in 1969 , just when accumulation was reaching its peak , and it grew a little faster ( about ½ per cent per year ) between 1968 and 1973 than over the period 1960–8 .
4 That means for a regular punter , however , that over a period of time , for every £100 staked he or she will end up with £88 in pocket .
5 Another frequent difficulty is that over a period of years , constant masturbation , sometimes desperately engaged in for emotional comfort rather than sexual release , results in desensitization of the penis .
6 The inhalation of iodine-131 could cause thyroid cancer in people as far away as 24 km , and there is a 20 per cent probability that over a period of 10–20 years between 1000 and 10,000 people could develop thyroid cancer ( less than 10 per cent of these would be fatal cancers ) .
7 The government announced on Nov. 26 that over a period of three years it intended to cut 122,000 government jobs — approximately one fifth of state employees — at an estimated saving to the state of the equivalent of US$1,500 million .
8 Vernon ( 1971 ) argues that over a period of time , and particularly as a new technology matures , host countries are more able to drive harder bargains with the TNCs that wish to invest in them .
9 And we found that over a period of , oh about a couple of months , the same people almost used to come round .
10 Using the same analysis as Government statisticians , the figures show that over the period 1979 to 1988 , real disposable incomes rose by over 30 per cent .
11 It adds that over the period , other areas will expand .
12 Vessey and colleagues are unfortunate that over the period of their study the goal posts have moved significantly , with a greater use of laparoscopy as a diagnostic tool and a change in our understanding of what visually constitutes the diagnosis of endometriosis .
13 Table 5.2 shows that over the period 1971 to 1988 the number employing 1,000 or more workers fell by more than half to leave less than 500 such factories in the whole country .
14 The guidelines envisage that over the period to 2011 the proportion of aggregates supply met from primary land-based sources in the region will decline from 85% to just over 20% .
15 As a result of such consultation it is planned that over the period 1989–90 to 1999–2000 there should be an increase in total ( FTE ) graduate numbers of around 700 ( home/EC and overseas ) , a significant proportion of which has already been achieved ; this would allow room for undergraduates to increase by 1,300 and for the overall growth of the University to be contained within the broad policy approved by Congregation of 1 per cent a year to the end of the decade .
16 The everyday lives of ordinary people are not the basis for good television unless the characters and events are portrayed in a consistently entertaining fashion , and over a period of time ; hence the great success of television soap operas .
17 According to bogus sexologist Dr John R Brinkley , goat glands held the secret to combating male impotence and over a period of twenty years he amassed a fortune of more than $12 million administering them to 16,000 men worried about their sexual inadequacies .
18 This does not add much to the cost of the order , and over a period of time the extra components build up into a useful stock of parts .
19 The masculine energy is made available , and over a period of time the woman can crystallize that energy into a bond that will hold fast .
20 The allegation was that she did not do enough to help her , and over a period of time this had made the carer extremely angry , and at the same time made their mother dissatisfied about the care she was receiving .
21 A programme of restoration back to full working order followed and over a period of 18 months , it was stripped , restored and rebuilt to its present immaculate condition .
22 In both cases you have to find a deposit , and over a period of time pay off what is , in effect , a loan .
23 The place was besieged , and over a period of months , including a winter , the English grip tightened .
24 Also studied were the consistency of performance of individuals within and between topics , between mode of assessment and over a period of time .
25 The intention here was to allow the interviewer to simulate a conversation and over a period move towards a more symmetrical interactive relationship so that this interviewing style came to resemble participant observation .
26 They were already used to using signs , and over a period the handlers picked them up . ’
27 In Woodrow , it was held that affray is a continuing offence , so that where an indictment charged the defendants with a single offence and particularised several incidents that had occurred at different places and over a period of several hours , the indictment was not bad for duplicity .
28 This stage is followed by a search for means to implement the desired change and over a period of time a cycle of problems are handled by this method .
29 Chop it up into elephant steaks , bung it into the deep freeze , and over a period of say two , three years , every Friday night have an elephant steak , but in three years ' time , I will have actually achieved my objective .
30 From the Radcliffe Report [ 1959 ] onwards , moreover , figures have been produced to show the value of their contribution ; and over the period invisible exports from the financial sector have been cast in the role of saviour of the balance of payments .
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