Example sentences of "[pron] can hardly be " in BNC.

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1 If you 've got some new material on him that you want to share with us , I 'm more than happy to arrange another lecture for you later in the term , but frankly , as you 've apparently given the same lecture on him for the past ten years , I can hardly be accused of interfering with academic freedom , can I ? ’
2 I can hardly be expected to have a great deal of time for gardening , ’ she said , ‘ I am forced to pay out money for gardening help . ’
3 If I go to a match in Europe , I come back to a stack of videos and I can hardly be bothered .
4 My belief that I am in pain may be justified , perhaps , but I can hardly be said to base it on reasons , conclusive or otherwise .
5 Inevitably , er that has not been entirely acceded to , and indeed to some extent er I can hardly be surprised as events move on during the course of the enquiry .
6 I can hardly be blamed if the production was cancelled . ’
7 I can hardly be expected to know that , can I ?
8 And I can hardly be expected to leave my three-year-old brother here in the care of a strange man . ’
9 I can hardly be held accountable for the vagaries of a junior research assistant ! ’
10 Within the Nazi Movement and the coercive apparatus of the State , symbolizing the struggle to rid Germany of its Jews , and increasingly the struggle to destroy Jewry itself once and for all , it had a significance which can hardly be overrated .
11 ‘ After all , ’ he said , ‘ we came for the rainfall , which can hardly be a prime attraction on holiday . ’
12 Most of the remaining papers dealt with therapy for single problems ( smoking and obesity ) , the results of which can hardly be generalised .
13 This position , actual or potential for all women , leads to a version of the self which is more likely to be defined in relationship and which therefore implies certain commitments or responsibilities which can hardly be denied .
14 She moves ( for example ) between speaking of the crucifixion of Christ ( fact ) to the cosmic nature of Christ — which can hardly be said to be ‘ true ’ in the sense of an empirically known fact .
15 There is a mystery in many percussion sounds which can hardly be matched by the whole orchestra .
16 If we turn to volcanic deposits , which can hardly be regarded as exceptional in earth history , we can find many examples of great thicknesses accumulating very rapidly indeed .
17 Robert Malcolmson 's pioneering researches have placed eigh-teenth-century recreations sociologically with a thoroughness and insight which can hardly be equalled in a general textbook .
18 Instead it turns out to be very much concerned with rhetoric , which can hardly be said to be new for this age or even essentially syntactic .
19 A clear and detailed historical account of this event is given by Ammianus Marcellinus , who has always been accepted as one of the more reliable of the ancient historians , although it has been recently pointed out by Professor Malcolm Todd that Theodosius I was the patron of Marcellinus , who can hardly be blamed for enlarging on the achievements of the father of the Emperor .
20 If you yourself do not know what you want out of the meeting you can hardly be surprised if the person you are dealing with does not respond in a satisfactory way .
21 Now this is an argument that is so intellectually contemptible that you can hardly be bothered to demolish it .
22 I know you can hardly be expected to adopt all your expressions erm but you should n't be too technical in you know .
23 The protest of the human individual against the massive forces which control him is indeed a theme which can be seen in contemporary art , literature , music and drama , in the struggles against racialism , poverty and war , in the popular movements of Western youth and in the renewed campaign for women 's emancipation ; so we can hardly be surprised if parents too begin to question the authority of the experts .
24 Until silver objects from archaeological sites have been subjected to more systematic metallurgical analysis one can hardly be sure when and where the metal began to be extracted from galena ores .
25 If the object is itself bizarre or ambiguous , one can hardly be surprised that the result is bizarre or ambiguous .
26 It concludes ‘ Apart from the river and its natural beauties Henley has nothing to put forward to entice the holiday-maker to give a preference to the town and although the objection to a public promenade might be well-founded there can hardly be any well-grounded opposition to a golf course being laid out . ’
27 If , on the other hand , the condition is that the proper name , if it is to count as a proper name at all , must be non-descriptive , then we shall look in vain for suitable candidates , for there can hardly be an expression that communicates something and yet does not incorporate , or contextually presuppose , a descriptive content .
28 It did not of course escape Mommsen that there can hardly be a more foolish political speculation , " eine thorichtere politische Spekulation " , than to represent the Roman constitution as a mixed constitution and to derive from it the success of Rome ( Rom .
29 It would be statistically misleading to headline the 500 per cent rise in the murder rate in Central Region , but the chief constable there can hardly be pleased to find the number of such incidents his force has dealt with rise from one to six .
30 It 's hard to imagine anybody writing more artificially , but I hope you feel , as I do , there can hardly be a piece of poetry in which the distress of the poet and the feeling that he may be wasting his time comes through in a more anguished fashion .
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