Example sentences of "[pron] [be] assumed the " in BNC.

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1 Thus , when preferred skills and qualities are not observed , it is assumed the teachers concerned simply do not have them and should therefore be supplied with them ( training ) , prevented from entering teaching at all ( screening ) , or restricted only to those ‘ safe ’ areas in which they are competent ( matching ) .
2 Apart from financing costs , which are included in the no-arbitrage condition , it is assumed the underlying asset , the shares which comprise the index , can be stored costlessly and does not depreciate with storage .
3 The filaments on the underside of barnacles were found to resemble the bird 's feathers , so it was assumed the goose emerged half-grown from the barnacles clustered on floating logs .
4 It was assumed the Frasque fitted somewhere in the Capellan scheme of things ; that they were another client species , as the Thrants and Eladeldi evidently were , though they seemed more enterprising and self-sufficient than most .
5 The Atapeuerca skeletal sample is large by the standards of any other Middle Pleistocene hominid site , so it provides an unprecedented opportunity to examine the internal morphological and metrical variation of what is assumed the represent a penecontemporaneous sample of individuals of different ages and sex .
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