Example sentences of "[noun] 10 [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 A consultancy service offering 10 per cent discount to members requiring an in-depth study into the area of energy conservation within their organisation .
2 Four out of 10 shoppers believe that supermarkets selling " environment-friendly " products do so to exploit the market and not out of a genuine concern to protect the earth , according to Mintel. 10 per cent of respondents in the Mintel survey believed that companies were hiding behind a green " front " , and those who went out of their way to buy green products did so " in spite of corporate public relations efforts " .
3 Amongst the Democrats Tsongas polled 35 per cent , Clinton 26 per cent , Kerrey 12 per cent , Harkin 10 per cent and Brown 9 per cent .
4 As the government squeezed the finances ever harder , British Rail became more efficient , and while even InterCity began by pruning 10 per cent of its mileage , at the end most of the sectors were more concerned about how to handle their increasing traffic .
5 The main sources of their average weekly income during the strike were personal savings constituting 45 per cent of all income , wives ' earnings 17 per cent , supplementary benefit 16 per cent and tax rebates 10 per cent .
6 For example , suppose that the price of a ten-year 10 per cent bond is 107.25 and the price of a nine-year 10 per cent bond is 106.75 .
7 In the union section , Mr Davies 's supporters claim he won 18 per cent , Mr Field 10 per cent and Ms Kathy Wilson , a Militant supporter , 7 per cent .
8 In the period 1979 — 87 the bottom 10 per cent of earners made net gains of 5 per cent , the top 1 o per cent gains of 28 per cent .
9 The table shows the composition of the bottom 10 per cent of the income distribution according to type of family .
10 For example , between 1970 and 1990 the distribution of income on a per capita basis in some Third World countries became more unequal , the top 10 per cent got relatively more and the bottom 10 per cent got relatively less , while the average per capita income ( gross national product divided by population ) roughly doubled in this period .
11 The statistical approach follows on from the Lorenz curve type information but recognizes that , for example , studying the income share of the bottom 10 per cent does not indicate how they are doing in relation to the mean or median of the distribution .
12 This has the attraction that poverty is a solvable problem , unlike viewing the bottom 10 per cent as perpetually being in poverty .
13 There is a ‘ Mr 10 per Cent ’ feel about being an agent and there always will be .
14 On July 30 , 1975 the owners claimed the return of the excess 10 per cent .
15 If you extend £100,000 of credit for a period of one year and during that year the inflation rate averages 10 per cent per annum , you will have effectively lost £1 0,000 even if you are paid in full and right on time .
16 Earnings a share rose 9 per cent to 14.4p and the dividend 10 per cent to 3.10p .
17 This would mean the holder would receive 50,000 plus 0.25 x 10 per cent , i.e. 51,250 , at the end of the period .
18 The exporter may sell his accepted bill at a discount for cash at his bank , e.g. three month trade bill £100,000 , discount rate 10 per cent , exporter receives approximately £97,500
19 For example , suppose that the price of a ten-year 10 per cent bond is 107.25 and the price of a nine-year 10 per cent bond is 106.75 .
20 Small firms operate a scheduled working week 10 per cent longer than large firms and in manufacturing it is 15 per cent greater .
21 By the early 1970s a typical continental European country was devoting a little over 20 per cent of GDP to social expenditure , the United States and United Kingdom 17–18 per cent , and Japan 10 per cent .
22 His more difficult task is to persuade the Premier League to honour a Football League agreement to pay the union 10 per cent of television earnings .
23 Harry Groen , chairman of NCM Holding NV , said yesterday : ‘ In the Netherlands 20 per cent of domestic GDP is credit insured , in France 10 per cent .
24 Affecting the coal , oil , gas , petrochemical and metallurgical industries and the railways , it featured a package of incentives including a 5 per cent pay rise for workers for each percentage point by which monthly output in their enterprise exceeded average output in January-April 1991 , and the right of enterprises to sell for their own profit 10 per cent of their output on the domestic market .
25 There will also be a tender offer to repurchase 10 per cent of British Land 's shares at 420p , together with a voucher for the associated tax credit worth 89p .
26 Mr Parkinson said There would be ‘ huge difficulties ’ in tracking down those who failed to pay : for their journeys , estiamting that if only one in ten 10 motorists 10 per cent refused to pay their bill , the Government would need to collect 63 million times a year.be seeking payment for 63 million journeys a year .
27 In the United Kingdom it would mean that in the LFAs 10 per cent .
28 Consider the Treasury 10 per cent 2004 .
29 A 10 per cent cut in loaded train miles was phased between June 1981 and October 1982 .
30 A 10 per cent kickback is the norm , though a spokesman for Frames Rickards , one of the largest London-based coach tour companies , was cagey about the arrangements his company had struck with London 's concierges .
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