Example sentences of "[noun] be talking to " in BNC.

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1 Human possums avoid conflict by agreeing with whichever side is talking to them at the time .
2 Granddad 's talking to you
3 Just a minute mummy 's talking to me .
4 It was an enraging affectation , worthy of an Oxford undergraduate , especially as Charlie might do it in the middle of a conversation , as he had done recently at a college gig : the Union President was talking to him when Charlie 's hands reached into his side pocket , the book was extracted and opened , and the man 's eyes popped in disbelief as Charlie imbibed a beakerful of the warm South .
5 Whilst Hennessy was talking to the soldier outside , Donaldson found a light switch for three unshaded bulbs high in the rafters .
6 Colin Angus was talking to Lee Harpin
7 Gurder was talking to the Thing in a low voice .
8 Er that is that at least three of the articles are talking to quoting different organisations er suggested that the playhouse theatre trust had been recommended to do something about their marketing er a at least two years ago if not longer ago erm certainly it 's my knowledge er they have not employed specialists to that they have not employed a specialist to that indeed since the last er appointed publicity officer left , that person that post has not been er refilled er could I ask the theatre trust why they have chosen not taken that recommendation seriously ?
9 ‘ I thought that one of the most interesting things about the Manson case was how they thought that The Beatles were talking to them , and that they thought The Beatles were the four horsemen of the apocalypse mentioned in the Bible .
10 while the editor is talking to us .
11 As Maggie 's talking to me I mean you can see like my here I mean I 've got all sorts , as you would use that , those pages for , there 's notes as I 'm going through of things that we were doing and er the university and , and everything like that and there 's other parts of it that , I mean the , the things that you would come back to and elaborate more on
12 ‘ Mr Ross is talking to a business friend in New York , ’ said Greta .
13 The guard was talking to Evans as Morgan glared at the screen , then took out a cigar and clamped his teeth on it .
14 Miss Lucchesi was talking to me about fingering . "
15 He was not in the clubhouse , where the Lord Lieutenant was on the telephone to Downing Street , nor at the police emergency centre , where the Chief Constable was talking to the duty officer in the Cabinet Office Briefing Room .
16 I know that you know who Hammond was talking to .
17 While the Feldwebel was talking to the driver of the car , the little soldier who was coming as an additional escort stood by the suitcase .
18 ‘ You know when Simon was talking to you yesterday , in the arcades ? ’ he asked her .
19 As he said this , he noticed that Cowslip had joined them and that Strawberry was talking to him quietly .
20 Yeah he does look like but oi , you know that Spiderma oi oi , oi you know that Spiderman one you had yeah where deathlock is that was Spiderman and erm it erm and erm Spiderman 's talking to this guy and erm he 's he 's dressed in green and he looks just like erm death like erm Kill Power .
21 Page 19 Car link : American car maker Chrysler is talking to Mitsubishi of Japan about setting up manufacturing plants in Europe .
22 John at teatime is talking to veteran D J Paul about the best records of all time and musician Edward who 's playing at the Old Vic tonight , he 's on as well .
23 ANIMAL-LOVER Jackson is talking to London Zoo chiefs about a possible financial rescue .
24 Helen was talking to the Airport Police on the telephone .
25 The Archon was talking to his daughter .
26 At a party in Soho in 1914 Epstein was talking to Beatrice , who made it clear that she was at a loose end in her life .
27 Even the cameraman ignored Milstone 's command of ‘ Roll 'em ’ when Brando was talking to him .
28 Stephen was talking to a tall , elegantly dressed woman , who looked younger than she actually was , and her much older husband when she joined him for lunch in the beach bar .
29 The teacher was talking to the class .
30 Here the whole of the site was lightly cordoned off , and one of the Park Attendants was talking to ( the newly promoted ) Sergeant Dixon as Morse and Lewis moved alongside .
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