Example sentences of "[noun] [is] indeed a " in BNC.

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1 A concern for nonhuman animals is indeed a proper part of human life , but we can acquire it , cultivate it , and teach it only in terms of our understanding of our selves .
2 The priest is indeed a ‘ sign ’ of God to them , but it is the office of priest that matters , not the particular gender — nor any other physical characteristic — of the individual .
3 The reef is indeed a way of life , not a particular kind of creature .
4 Thus , the relationship of critical theory to postmodernism and poststructuralism is indeed a far more complex matter than is commonly assumed .
5 Going up on wings in no way specifies " changing strength " , but putting forth new wings or new plumage is indeed a sign of new strength , whether or not there is an allusion to a belief that in old age eagles grow new wings .
6 The Two Brewers pub is indeed an enlightened establishment , encouraging such a highclass canine clientele .
7 With these highly significant aircraft and with a track record of only ten years from on site to ‘ crowned ’ TMAM 's new aircraft hall is indeed a ‘ high speed hangar ’ .
8 But the issue is indeed a complex and subtle one and the educational needs of children with visual problems do not fall neatly into two distinct compartments .
9 The issue is indeed a major constitutional one .
10 The Economist has argued that the council is indeed a senate and ought to debate and vote as openly as a senate .
11 This attention to the total psychological development of the child is indeed a new phenomenon , in that earlier generations of parents have been chiefly preoccupied by the related themes of physical survival and moral growth , rather than with concepts of mental health or social and emotional adjustment .
12 The engine is indeed a P6 engine and as with all Rover V8 engines may run lead free .
13 The swinging rhythm and rather pleasantly exhibitionist rhyme- scheme , together with the reconciled paradoxical terms of the maiden-mother , angels kneeling to men , prisoners freed , small become great and foe become friend , enact rhetorically a delight that redemption is indeed a game , the playing of which reverses all the normal expectations of mortality .
14 Croydon is indeed a borough fortunate in its parliamentary representation .
15 This is several million years older than the previously oldest known fossil ape from Meswa Bridge in the Koru area , and if this specimen is indeed a fossil hominoid it puts the date for hominoid origins at least to 25Myr .
16 The same could be said of the recent Starfield and Chandler ranges , both of which we have looked at lately , and if this steering away from routine duplication is indeed a new trend , then it 's one which I applaud wholeheartedly .
17 The Ideas , Kant says , " have an excellent , and indeed indispensably necessary , regulative employment , namely , that of directing the understanding towards a certain goal upon which the routes marked out by all its rules converge , as upon their point of intersection " .2 And he immediately goes on to add : " This point is indeed a mere idea , a focus imaginarius …
18 Not all the people who have been called structuralists have been happy to accept the label , but this suggests not so much that it has been over-enthusiastically applied , but that far from being a school or a doctrine , structuralism is indeed a generalized revolution in ways of thinking .
19 For the moment it is enough to underline the relevance of this suggestion to the Sonnets , the whole experience of which is presented from the point of view of ego alone , from which perspective the third person is indeed a sign of a double absence , both of the I and the Thou .
20 Dall is indeed a worthy successor to the great English instrument makers of yesteryear such as Jesse Ramsden and Thomas Cooke .
21 The old quarter is indeed a concentration of Swiss life as it once was .
22 Giving the opening address to the conference , Mr Maclean said : ‘ I believe that this network of environmental enforcement agencies is indeed an historic development in the field of environment protection .
23 The World Wide Fund for Nature-Hong Kong is carrying out DNA analysis to discover whether the local dolphin is indeed a separate species .
24 Art is indeed a mystery — a ‘ truth which is above reason ’ , and here are two facets of it , which , if we are honest , must have perplexed most of us .
25 This example is indeed a cautionary tale , as the work of the two engravers was traditionally attributed to two different mints ( Rome and Tarraco , in Spain ) , but the discovery of numerous die links ( see below ) between each group has shown that they all come from the same mint .
26 ‘ Mr Hutchinson is indeed an authority , sir . ’
27 Grass is indeed a symbol of what is short-lived , and is sometimes used of mankind 's transitoriness .
28 The expression I is not of course the only such troublesome feature of English ; the following examples all present us with the same sort of problems ( with the relevant deictic expression italicized , a convention followed throughout this Chapter ) : ( 6 ) You are the mother of Napoleon ( 7 ) This is an eighteenth-century man-trap ( 8 ) Mary is in love with that fellow over there ( 9 ) It is now 12.15 The sentences are true , respectively , just in case the addressee is indeed the mother of Napoleon , the object currently being indicated by the speaker is indeed an eighteenth-century man-trap , Mary is indeed in love with the fellow in the location indicated by the speaker , and at the time of speaking it is indeed 12.15 .
29 Setting such contentions assertions aside , it is evident that in terms of all the human and material resources it contains , the Pacific is indeed a remarkable prize .
30 One can not , in other words , argue from the premise that people may disagree as to whether a person was in fact placed in fear for their bodily safety , to the conclusion that a decision-maker can have untrammelled power to decide whether such an apprehension is indeed a constituent part of the offence at all .
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