Example sentences of "[noun] [is] sometimes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If f : unc is 1-1 and onto B , f is sometimes called a 1-1 correspondence .
2 If this is the first time the guest has used the hotel a guest history card is sometimes created ( see Fig. 3.35 ) .
3 There are , however , no hard and fast rules and a ‘ cocktail ’ of methods is sometimes adopted in complex cases ; the basis to be adopted depends entirely on the facts of each case , especially for holdings of between 25% and 50.1% .
4 The rise of German national consciousness is sometimes said to date from the philosopher Fichte 's Addresses to the German Nation , delivered under Napoleonic occupation in 1806 .
5 The development of databases is sometimes perceived as having three generations :
6 The need for experiments on awake animals is sometimes questioned on the grounds that the answer could be found by studying isolated cells in dishes or by using computers instead of real brains .
7 The result is sometimes known as " half mens rea " .
8 However , as Parkes ( 1982a ) points out , morale-boosting optimism is sometimes taken to absurd lengths , and much of the undoubted success of the hospice approach to the care of terminally ill patients stems from the recognition of this fact .
9 Elsewhere the 70 m ( 230 ft ) terrace is sometimes attributed to the first interglacial period .
10 The LDDC is sometimes cited as a success story because it has attracted in so much private investment .
11 Sport is a positive , exhilarating force in the lives of those whose attentions and commitments it commands ; but the complexity of the force is sometimes lost on its practitioners and observers .
12 The night-time thermosphere is sometimes called the cryosphere ( = ‘ cold sphere ’ ) .
13 The role of pension funds in this outflow is often taken as indicative for , since the mid-1960s , pension funds have become the main channel for employees ' long-term savings and their overseas investment is sometimes seen as a ‘ diversion ’ of savings that could otherwise have been used to finance productive investment in British industry .
14 ( The rate of return on an additional investment is sometimes called the marginal efficiency of investment or MEI . )
15 Investment is sometimes thought of as the most dynamic element in the economy — it probably accounts for much of the cyclical instability in the economy and is an important determinant of economic growth .
16 The golist is sometimes known as a thesaurus and , indeed , is a form of natural language thesaurus .
17 This term is sometimes called the external energy .
18 That term is sometimes used loosely to refer to travellers and persons of nomadic habits , and in Mills v. Cooper a Divisional Court accorded the term such a meaning for the purposes of the Highways Act , which made it an offence for a gypsy to encamp on a highway .
19 For this reason the suspension capability of a detergent is sometimes referred to as rinseability .
20 Payment for the work is sometimes met by individuals , sometimes by kings , sometimes by organised churches and sometimes by nations through the taxpayers .
21 The presence of a restaurant and public toilets suggests , however , that an influx of visitors is sometimes expected , and such is the case , for across the water and soon reached by boat is the well known island of Handa .
22 Failing to set the handbrake is sometimes detected when it is too late i.e. when a vehicle has been parked unattended and has then begun to move and run away downhill , perhaps resulting in an accident .
23 Birth spacing is sometimes used synonymously with birth timing ( see intervals ) , but usually it refers to efforts aiming to achieve the " proper " ( healthy , economic or convenient ) timing of births either consciously ( by planning and controlling the timing of births ) or in accordance with traditions ( by following customs relevant to breastfeeding and post-partum abstinence which assure the " proper " spacing ) , and the results of such efforts as they are manifested in the birth intervals .
24 The identification of child with parent is sometimes mirrored by identification which the parent feels with the child .
25 The law recognizes , through various defence doctrines and through the instruction to prosecutorial authorities to refrain from prosecution in certain cases where formally a person is guilty , that disobedience to law is sometimes justified .
26 The study of the discipline does not often include a study of its own academic evolution ; indeed , one suspects than an ahistorical attitude is sometimes projected by lecturers , as if the discipline had always existed in some vague Platonic sense , and could not possibly not have been there .
27 In a day to deity existence , however , greatness is sometimes thrust upon him .
28 There are some companies now Hewlett Packard is sometimes referred to where there are only two steps between junior management and the main board .
29 A general degree is sometimes seen as an alternative for students who are not up to honours standard ; this is largely though not entirely the case with the Scottish ordinary degree .
30 The ERM is sometimes justified as a means for beating the currency speculator .
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