Example sentences of "[noun] [be] around [art] " in BNC.

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1 Small shops , pavement cafes and steps are around every corner .
2 Right at the end of the street was the wall of a very old building , the entrance being around the corner in Barnards Cross .
3 Egypt 's largest concentrations of ancient sites are around the cities of Cairo and Luxor .
4 Surprises are around every corner .
5 Generally the extra cost for this type is around the same as for adding your own jacket — but the insulation wo n't fall off .
6 IBM is very touchy on the issue of morale : last week in New York when we got around to asking Bill Filip what the mood was around the joint , the spin doctors converged and shuffled him off .
7 Any involvement in the race issue was around the anti-Fascist campaigns of that time .
8 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
9 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
10 Its population is around the 3.3 million mark compared with some 56 million in the UK .
11 The Macedonian government was able to press its claim for recognition , which had been blocked by Greece , by threatening that war was around the corner .
12 Yet I gather that Mr Muggeridge was around the school in the grounds tonight . ’
13 Poldhu Cove was around the next corner .
14 The rise in unemployment frustrated the government 's spending plans , because of the rising costs of social security ; it also undermined the credibility of the government 's claims that its economic strategy was working and that economic recovery was around the corner .
15 The return of socialism would be the ‘ road to nowhere , a dead end ’ at a time when economic recovery was around the corner .
16 IBM Corp 's personal computer business was around the break-even level or may have been profitable in the first three months of this year , the president of IBM Personal Computer Co Robert Corrigan told the New York Times : he says he thinks ‘ people will be surprised at how quickly we 're bringing this business back , ’ and that it should be solidly profitable before year-end ; problem is that its closest rivals , Compaq Computer Corp and Dell Computer Corp , which both faced the same problems as IBM , adjusted to the change in the market much more quickly , and rushed appropriate machines out while IBM procrastinated , so that they are already strongly profitable while IBM is still having to build up momentum .
17 It turns out that the minimum cell volume and interstack distance are around the values ( TMTSF ) 2 CO 4 , the only organic salt known to go superconducting at atmospheric pressure .
18 Unforeseen problems are around every corner ; subsoil inadequacy , drainage deficiencies , utility inaccessibility , requirements of the building inspector , the fire-officer , the highways department , the licensing officer .
19 Consultant pathologist Dr Brian Rogers said Jacob had no congenital malformations and died from a lack of oxygen which was probably caused by the umbilical cord being around the neck before birth .
20 Olschewski said that profits were around the two figure million mark , but would n't provide more specific details .
21 Now that the exchange rate is around the $1.40 to $1.45 mark there could be a case for going back but we might have the difficulty of seeming opportunistic .
22 Entry to the major museums is around a fiver but worth it to see THAT painting , the Primavera by Botticelli and THE statue , Michaelangelo 's David .
23 Some say a new era of enlightenment is around the corner , some say that consciousness is quietly entering the mainstream , while others see a grim world of confusion and chaos ( not chaos theory but just plain chaos ) .
24 This catchment area is around the lakes of Ullswater and Hawes Water from both of which water is piped to Manchester .
25 Biddlecombe 's new beat is around the horse sales … his year 's of racing expertise is being harnessed at last … and the best news of all is that he may soon be back in the saddle
26 Under it , major changes in reserves would have created an overwhelming presumption that a change in the exchange rate was around the corner , and thus encouraged speculation on what was in effect a certain bet .
27 The entrance to Cathy Carne 's flat was around the corner — a wooden stairacse , well maintained , with a canopied landing at the top .
28 ON THE fae of things , Michael Palin seems an unlikely double for the archetypal stiff upperlipped phlegmatic Englsihman Phileas Fogg , hero of Jules Verne 's Around the World in Eighty Days .
29 Obviously I do n't want a wife of Peter 's around the place if she 's not going to behave in a civil manner to me . ’
30 For two years my father-in-law shuffled the money around various building societies , chasing the best interest rates , which at times were around the 20 per cent mark .
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