Example sentences of "[unc] [conj] [noun] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's no good just saying you can report fraud er to er t t to the regulator , they should also be responsible to the shareholders , the stake holders , everybody involved er in er er er a company er and in fact er they are n't they have really responsibility to no one except the directors er who appoint them , the company share holders are given very little information , the choice of auditors er is firmly in the director 's director 's hands , the depositors , the consumers , the employees er have no say er in the appointment of er auditors and more important the recent legal cases for instance and the Al Saudi Bank er er and Berg er sons er and company also decided that er auditors do n't owe a duty of care er to individual shareholders , potential investors , the current or potential creditors er even though that information is supposed to be there to help markets understand what is happening to that committee and the government showed no indication that it wants to reverse these judgements , it should reverse them , there should be specific responsibilities attached to er auditors to give them a duty of care er so that we get the information er and er spend more widely and the share holders and the stake holders know what 's going on er er er as well as er the bank or the financial er institution er itself .
2 In each of these forms , the Word is the Word insofar and only insofar as God really expresses and communicates himself through it ; and the special task of Christian dogmatics is to refer the present proclamation of Jesus Christ back to its original ground in God himself in order to clear away distortions and misrepresentations so that the Word itself can be heard afresh in its own integrity .
3 The complete linkage of D15S12h and p thus suggested that D15S12h might be deleted in radiation-induced p -locus mutations , and Southern blot hybridization analysis demonstrated that all DNA fragments hybridizing to DN10 are deleted in the mouse mutations p r7FR6OLb , p 6H , p r46DFiOD , p 116G and p r25DVT ( Fig. 1 b ) .
4 These differences between ATF1 and CREB strongly suggest that CREB/ATF1 heterodimers and CREB homodimers will have different properties and therefore point to a significant role for ATF1 in regulating CREB .
5 The degenerate octamer-TAATGANAT oligonucleotides A and C differ only at position 11 ( see Fig. 4A ) and compete equally well for binding to the labelled ICP4 sequence as the completely homologous TAATGARAT sequence B. The Ad2 degenerate octamer-TAATGAR motif oligonucleotide A , which contains the first four bases of the octamer fused to a perfect TAATGARAT motif , seems to be a stronger competitor than oligonucleotides B and C. In summary , the results displayed in Fig. 4B and C clearly show that the POU domain of pou[c] binds with high affinity to the TAATGARAT and degenerate octamer-TAATGAR motifs and with very low affinity ( only detectable after overexposure of GMSA signals ) to the canonical octamer motif .
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