Example sentences of "[modal v] be used [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Body brushes should be used on dry skin and can help stimulate the circulation , bringing blood flow to the surface and stimulating the lymph system which rids the body of toxins .
2 Clearly , in the interests of staff morale and good personnel relations , this power should be used with great care ; governing bodies should always seek advice before embarking on the process .
3 All additives should be used with great care , following the manufacturer 's instructions and where necessary , used in conjunction with appropriate test kits .
4 The underused/unused land to the east , along the water front should be used for new housing .
5 Stainless steel should be used for critical risk areas or for handling very hot liquids .
6 A chemical sprout inhibitor should be used for long term storage .
7 Just as there is some academic debate as to what discount rate should be used for public sector investment appraisal , there is also much discussion as to what constitute the relevant costs and benefits for certain of these projects .
8 The manual entitled IBM Virtual Machine Interactive Productivity Facility Problem Control ( SC24 — 5229 ) should be used for detailed information on this facility and instructions on its use .
9 Different types of notes should be used for different learning purposes and different subject-matter .
10 These documents together with covering letters enable MAS and the vendor to control the sale process , something which should be used to maximum advantage to help enable an acceptable/full price in line with the agreed objectives to be achieved .
11 You can argue about the amount of resources devoted to health but what you can not sensibly argue about is that the resources devoted to health care should be used to maximum effect .
12 Which language should be used by postclassical criminology ?
13 It was almost taken for granted until fairly recently that western , and particularly American , textbooks should be used in professional education in the Third World .
14 Obviously the table and sideboard or carving table need to bc well lit , but whether you use a light right over the table , a chandelier , candelabra or side lights , they really should be used in conj unction with a dimmer switch .
15 Each type of coding must be used with compatible edit control equipment , which can be expensive , but the whole process of finding , previewing , recording and check-playing edits is vastly simplified and speeded up .
16 Lists of freemen of the city must be used with great caution , for their coverage was far from complete , but they indicate patterns of immigration amongst the ‘ middling ’ groups of townsmen — the tradesmen , craftsmen and shopkeepers who together accounted for at least half the adult male population .
17 The Notes to Rule 2.5 impose additional obligations : ( 1 ) The language used in announcements must be clear and unambiguous and the word " agreement " must be used with particular care .
18 Partly of course in printed works , but these must be used with infinite caution and constant checking .
19 This led him to suggest that perhaps bladders full of oxygen and gunpowder might be used to good effect in mining .
20 References to cattle-raiding as the favourite sport of the moran , in a tone only slightly less indulgent than that which might be used for inter-house cricket matches , were very common .
21 There are several techniques that might be used in international marketing research that would not normally be used for research into ‘ domestic ’ markets .
22 The Act also sought to restrict the extent to which a woman 's prior sexual history could be used as admissible evidence in court , thus indirectly affecting the material available to the press to publish .
23 These could be used as raw material for a new compost , produced by a decontaminating process known as WMC .
24 Alert 's flying tour of Britain brought home to us that the new GRP planing hulls could be used for long range patrols when required and that they were not just " hot rods " for use in sheltered waters .
25 Where men like Bradford of Pippingford Warren attempted to enclose the remaining wastes of Ashdown Forest and succeeded , it was a comparatively rare event ; unlike the Midlands enclosure , which frequently redistributed arable land , the sand and clay of Wealden waste required wholesale draining and massive injections of capital before they could be used for profitable corn-growing .
26 In principle such particles could be used for targeted delivery of a genetic marker to cells ( see below ) .
27 If they are to remain empty at any particular time short-held leases could be used so that the barracks could be used for local housing rather than stay vacant .
28 The relationship between the popes and the religious houses could be used to papal advantage .
29 Already , the swift-moving German vanguard was groping its way into the Bois des Corbeaux ; the only wood near the Mort Homme , where those well-tried infiltration tactics could be used to excellent advantage .
30 One of the main advantages of video as an aid was that it could be used during poor weather .
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