Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] of [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Nothing could be further from costume drama or the spreading of cloaks over puddles .
2 First , those who stress the symbolic role of leaders , or the concentration of power over a few absolutely critical decisions in the hands of a power elite , view leadership as a zero-sum game .
3 On the other hand , where circumstances are such that the employee has been put in a position of acquiring special intimate knowledge of the clients of his employer or the means of influence over them there exists subject matter which is entitled to the court 's protection .
4 It took an act of will to think of cool winds on hilltops or the pattern of water-shadows over wave-carved sand — things which I have always thought epitomise clarity and freshness and helped to divert my brain from dwelling on the contents of my stomach .
5 Britain relies for manganese , chromium and cobalt on countries in southern Africa , where the chances of unrest over the next decade are high .
6 It has been suggested that the lack of control over the system of payment by the Ministry of Health has created ‘ monumental distortions and fraud . ’
7 Suppose first that T = 0 , so that the excess of interest over new debt is financed by a capital tax .
8 This case is illustrated in Fig. 7–2 , where it may be checked that the excess of revenue over variable costs ( the shaded area ) is equal to the fixed cost C , and that a rise in C would shift the equilibrium horizontally .
9 Martin Patchen , in a study of 834 US government employees found that the factor of control over work methods consistently emerged as most closely associated with high job motivation .
10 The group says that the survival of evidence over a period of years defies expectations and improves the prospects for enforcement of the recently signed international Chemical Weapons Convention ( see Nature 361 , 105 ; 1993 ) .
11 Cmnd. 9058 estimated that the cost of implementation over the first two years would be some £35 million , which would cover staff costs , computer hardware and software , and consultancy .
12 Recent evidence ( Johnstone et al. 1980 ) suggests that the superiority of ECT over placebo treatment might be short-lived , but supports its use for immediate relief of symptoms .
13 As the peso 's purchasing power lessened , its international exchange value did not depreciate correspondingly , with the result that the value of imports over the year outpaced exports .
14 As an example , suppose the nominal interest rate is 15 per cent per annum and that the rate of inflation over the past year has been 10 per cent .
15 There is no doubt that the effect of GATT over most of the postwar years has been to remove some of the protection afforded to national markets .
16 Its organization was similar in that it was controlled by persons of relatively high social status , that ransoming was a major source of profit , and that the transporting of animals over long distances was usual when a payment was not forthcoming .
17 It is intriguing , however , to find , in the appendix , evidence from Parkes ' study that the group of widows over the age of 65 showed a much smaller increase in sedative consumption after bereavement than those under 65 years old .
18 Chan , Chan and Karolyi ( 1991 ) found that the distribution of returns over five-minute intervals for S&P500 futures from 1984 to 1989 was leptokurtic with fat tails .
19 Taylor ( 1964 ) in particular noted that the distribution of GSRs over distance travelled corresponded very closely to the distribution of actual accident figures over the same distance .
20 On June 24 in Luxembourg EC Social Affairs Ministers reached agreement in principle on introducing a maximum working week of 48 hours across the EC ( although the number of months over which the 48-hour limit should be averaged remained unresolved ) .
21 In Kenmare v IRC [ 1958 ] AC 267 , it was held that a power of appointment over the entire trust fund was a power to revoke or otherwise determine the settlement .
22 After more than a decade of concern over different aspects of the bail process , steps were taken to reduce the number of defendants remanded in custody by introducing a statutory presumption in favour of bail ( section 4 of the Act ) , and by seeking to structure the decision-making process so that magistrates would give effect to it .
23 These first three Muftis of the capital , as well as their immediate successors , never had more than a priority of rank over those of the provinces . "
24 First , it kept the school-leaver within the realms of dependence , emphasizing the need for guidance and employment advice ; and , secondly , it led to the eruption of a lively dispute between the Board of Education and the Board of Trade over which department should have final authority for adolescent workers in the administration of the Labour Exchanges Act 1909 .
25 Legislation to create the agency has been delayed by a dispute between the Department of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture over its role .
26 Feminist criticism and research has helped to increase the number of women subjects in mainstream European and North American psychology , and the range of topics over which they are studied .
27 The Plateau is currently at serious risk from man-made factors such as air pollution , the encroachment of nearby habitation and its unregulated sewage and rubbish , and the lack of control over how many tourist coaches visit the site and where they can drive .
28 In the Greek philosophy the physical world had the status of a deity to be feared and worshipped , which not surprisingly was a great constraint to the development of technology and the exercise of dominion over nature .
29 Much of the bread and butter of anthropology , the description of elaborate group organization , rites of initiation , networks of marriage exchanges , the hierarchy of groups , and the ranking of men over women are all mechanisms for stressing the ‘ otherness ’ among people who daily interact , and , as such , they mark the boundaries within which , and outside of which , daily aggression and domination are played out .
30 You would think he was a gypsy until you looked closer at his blue eyes and the dusting of freckles over his apple-blossom cheeks .
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