Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [be] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 These problems or investigations are expected to be diverse .
2 The situation is more encouraging in the Netherlands , where parents were found to be involved in the care process ‘ to some extent ’ at least in 90 per cent of cases ; intensive involvement is , however , limited to 39 per cent of cases ( Ploeg and Scholte , 1988 ) .
3 Where libraries were seen to be furthering school purposes there was a strong case for supporting them adequately , in both financial and wider terms .
4 ‘ I hope Luib 's bunch bloodied their nose for them , or things are going to be rather tight around here in a few moments . ’
5 Women are under more ideological pressure to maintain a perfect home in owner-occupied property , where standards are seen to be the individual responsibility of the owners , rather than being outside a tenant 's control as in rented property , although of course women in all forms of accommodation are subjected to these pressures .
6 Where children are considered to be ‘ at risk ’ within their families , the social service agencies have a statutory duty to monitor their continued safety , and to co-ordinate services to help their families look after them properly .
7 At the bottom of the hierarchy of the production structure , where spirits are assumed to be crushed , have come a new army of workers — fresh , vivacious and increasingly angry .
8 She kept her eye on things generally , such as : tactfully suggesting to an under-housemaid ( caught out bypassing Lizzie 's careful instructions ) that pos were meant to be scrubbed till their inner china gleamed , as well as being emptied every morning .
9 It was not just that degenerates were thought to be intelligent and gifted ; their intelligence manifested one of the most disturbing paradoxes of the perverse : a vitiating regression to the primitive from within an advanced cultural sophistication .
10 In addition , they say that prisoners are going to be employed in the kitchens to work alongside civilian staff , because recruitment is so difficult .
11 Just as drugs were often used , even when their properties were poorly understood , to investigate physiological processes which they evidently modified , so X-rays were found to be a valuable tool in certain fields of study .
12 However , since representations of satyrs are often given negroid features , there is a suggestion that negroes were considered to be in some sense monstrous .
13 Whatever the problem , there is always a solution , so long as you are prepared to use your ingenuity , be flexible and remember that rules were made to be broken — or at least bent a little .
14 Where documents are admitted during the discovery process , RSC Order 27 rule 4(1) provides that copies are presumed to be ‘ true ’ unless authenticity is disputed by the other party .
15 Neighbourhood Watch The Belmont Road scheme continues to work effectively although cars are continuing to be broken into especially when goods of value are on display .
16 Neighbourhood Watch The Belmont Road scheme continues to work effectively although cars are continuing to be broken into especially when goods of value are on display .
17 The multiplication of life tenures , the scramble for reversions , and the attempt to make posts hereditary are all indications that offices were coming to be regarded as forms of property rather than as jobs to be done .
18 " I 'm sorry to have asked for an explanation — you will understand that bankers are trained to be cautious .
19 He commented : ‘ We were woken up with a jolt when we found out that Spinneys were going to be bought out by some ‘ jocks from over the border ’ .
20 Both this novel and the one which it resumes are ‘ hung ’ books , in the sense that Parliaments are said to be hung .
21 The truth is , few people believe that revelations are going to be made to them in dreams — and even on the rare occasions that an individual really felt a dream was of overwhelming " significance " , the so-called dream-books could only taken in the most gullible .
22 Anne Barnes , general secretary of the National Association for the Teaching of English , said : ‘ Teachers will feel very confused and disappointed to hear that changes are going to be made and the ground will shift from under their feet again . ’
23 We can not assume , for example , that counsellees are going to be willing or able to immediately divulge the full nature of their feelings and difficulties .
24 The first enlistments to the Macedonian army were reported on April 13 , although Albanians were said to be refusing to obey the call-up .
25 She had evidently decided that things were going to be all right .
26 Although to be effective taxonomy needs to be informed by theoretical and research requirements , it is not explanatory in the sense that theories are expected to be .
27 It is less important that people gain sustenance from philanthropic benevolence than that gestures are seen to be made .
28 The move to clamp down on specialist valuations is another step in the campaign by the Chartered Accountants Joint Ethics Committee to ensure that auditors are seen to be independent .
29 The advantages of gamma scintigraphy are offset by the fact that patients are required to be static during imaging , whereas it has been shown that it is more reliable to monitor reflux in ambulant patients than patients restricted within a hospital routine .
30 Although creeks are thought to be largely areas of non-deposition rather than areas of erosion , the scour of the tide along them may cause some lateral erosion and water draining at times of very high tides from areas behind the zone of creeks may plunge into the heads of the creeks and so cause a certain amount of headward erosion .
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