Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [pers pn] [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah together and I 'm wondering whether we could put them in together if we wanted a sixteen .
2 Consideration of the Commission 's proposal for the telematics programme by both the European Parliament and the advisory bodies to the Research Council is going on apace and it is hoped that this programme will be one of the first from the third Framework programme to be adopted in 1991 .
3 The request for a pelican crossing on Lanark Road between Foulis Crescent and Baberton Crescent has been turned down but it was considered that a pedestrian island could be justified .
4 He said it was the first time he 'd done so but he was damned if he was going to be wheeled into a restaurant like a blasted mental patient out with his nurse . ’
5 At present the crèche operates during term time only but it is envisaged that it will eventually open outside term , subject to demand .
6 At present the crèche operates during term time only but it is envisaged that it will eventually open outside term , subject to demand .
7 It seems that anxious people condition most easily and it is thought that irrational fears are established in this way .
8 This decision will be reviewed shortly and it is hoped that the grants programme will be started again if there is a sufficient improvement in finances .
9 It was over and he was undressed when the knock came on his door .
10 Various other procedures have to be gone through but it is expected that the title will be completed within the next six months .
11 Various other procedures have to be gone through but it is expected that the title will be completed within the next six months .
12 After the severe winter of 1946–7 there were only eight cows and five bulls in the herd , but there are now perhaps 50 animals altogether and they are owned and protected by the Chillingham Wild Cattle Association , a registered charity which bought the herd on the death of the eighth Earl in 1972 .
13 However , Article 15 specified slightly increased levels of HLCAs because the conversion rate of European Currency Units to Sterling has been altered a little and it is recommended that any enhanced payments should be linked solely to conservation undertakings and be re-imbursed by the EEC .
14 I had banged my head badly and it was bleeding but my father was more angry than I had ever seen him .
15 With Doug , I felt my love had been trampled on and I was shattered that he 'd chosen , emotionally , to abandon me . ’
16 they 're dead naff , right , cos Steve Wright in the afternoon as a thing , he says , he says , what do you want Essex girl and he 's said something funny she 'll , she 'll go , you crack me right up you do , you make me crack right up , right and they 're suppose and they are , well I do n't know , but they 're supposed to be really naff
17 or a bit of mould in one of the sockets it used to click all the phones when anybody made a call and er , all , all sorts of things that , I would of thought ah there 's a faulty phone somewhere and it 's degenerating and er we went round and waste every single one out , every single one , went to this extension pressed line three , play it down and the phone rang , I thought right it 's not a phone , I changed the cabinet , I changed all the cards and the cards in one big one , I had one three
18 Well I mean I a asked Christine yesterday and she was saying that because this is n't a project any more it 's actually supposed to in the end of week three .
19 In Tameside the minister had sound administrative reasons for believing that the local authority was acting unreasonably but it was held that merely to have such reasons was insufficient .
20 A Security Council vote to enforce its no-fly zone declaration had been expected as early as yesterday but it was postponed because of arduous negotiations over a final text , including the grace period before shoot-down or other orders could be issued .
21 She knows she could have pointed out how troops from India fought alongside the British in the war , or that she was born in that far-off , exotic setting , Middlesbrough General Hospital , and was indeed just on her way home but he was drunk as well as ill-informed , so it hardly seemed worth it .
22 The following night , Vega was prepared to go on but it was decided that since the crowd seemed even more hyper than the previous evening , the risk of damage to singer and gear was felt to be too great .
23 The following night , Vega was prepared to go on but it was decided that since the crowd seemed even more hyper than the previous evening , the risk of damage to singer and gear was felt to be too great .
24 In the report members of the police were accused of acting illegally and it was suggested that they were biased in favour of Inkatha .
25 As we go to press , the deadline for the exhibition , Impressive Women is also coming up and we are hoping that the work which is sent in will provide an enthusiastic and diverse exhibition .
26 The entire thing was entirely trumped up and she was absolved because of the publicity we gave the case .
27 Courses in Accountancy and European and Human Rights Law are being set up and it is hoped that as many pupils as possible will attend them , but for economic reasons it has been decided not to make them compulsory this year .
28 Of the 750 men who had originally walked out , 450 were still in Edinburgh ; of these 200 were still unemployed a week later and it was thought that full absorption would take up to six months ; in fact by early April , only 20 strikers were still without work .
29 Many application forms for membership were handed out and it is hoped that our numbers will grow as a result .
30 On the other hand , in many instances the repossession order is not carried out and it is estimated that only 60 per cent of orders eventually result in repossession .
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