Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] 's [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , maybe I 've missed him entirely and he 's already set off on whatever trip Mr Archer seemed to know about .
2 Below-the-collarbone lengths tend to drag your face down when it 's already suffering from the effects of gravity .
3 The book sold so well locally that she 's now published it for sale countrywide ; available from WH Smith , Sherratt & Hughes and Waterstone 's bookshops or direct from Barbara Geere at 15 Stamford Drive , Bromley , Kent BR2 0XF ( 081–460 3646 ) , priced £2.30 ( inc p&p ) .
4 Not that he 's ever said .
5 I mean , it 's not that she 's probably gon na go after it but I , you know , who knows !
6 Not that there 's anywhere to go .
7 He started walking away and he 's still walking kind of fast , so I grabbed his sweater from the back and pulled on it to slow him down .
8 Some of the barriers I 've built up are going to be chipped away and it 's only going to take one incident and I 'm going to be stuffed .
9 Not if he 's formally taken off the case . ’
10 Why not have the light within you so you do n't have to go and get it outside but it 's there dwelling within you , day by day , moment by moment ?
11 Welcome back:Hundreds of thousands of archaeological treasures are being kept hidden away because there 's nowhere to display them .
12 Welcome back:Hundreds of thousands of archaeological treasures are being kept hidden away because there 's nowhere to display them .
13 Then everyone will think I 'm some kind of spy anyway because it 's hardly going to fit in with my cover of being a moron .
14 The only question marks hang over the slightly corny lyrical content of some of his compositions and over whether he 's maybe working a little too closely to the Gavin Friday scheme of things .
15 ‘ In fact , it 's been one of the most exciting things that I 've worked on and it 's certainly changed my career . ’
16 Last winter Jean-Philippe Ruggia trained harder than he 's ever done in his racing career .
17 Those who already sail have an exciting time trying to stay upright when it 's really blowing .
18 Those who already sail have an exciting time trying to stay upright when it 's really blowing .
19 and he gave me that information repeatedly and he 's terribly involved .
20 ‘ She wants me to give it up and she 's really going to kick my tail this time , ’ he said .
21 I du n no quite how erm er much er of other people 's conversation it 's picking up but it 's probably picking me up er
22 And how old he is , what he does for a living , how much he 's got in the bank — and probably whether he 's twice divorced with a string of children tucked away somewhere . ’
23 Erm , you ca n't put that on till it 's really broken down can you ?
24 Cos I think he 's sort of realized now that nobody 's particularly impressed by him taking six grammes and twelve Es at once and going oh I took six grammes of and twelve Es at once and I was really fucked .
25 He was all over us last week , and now that he 's really needed , he 's nowhere to be found .
26 Now that it 's eventually started happening , I find that my attitude is one of high indignation .
27 We know now that it 's really needed to count the vessels because we will get definitely more information .
28 Find out if she 's ever thrown a race .
29 You 'll have to have a look on the way down and then pass the buds they should be coming now cos it 's nearly spring well it is spring really .
30 It 's better to make a new will then they do n't know what you had in before and nobody 's there to argue or question it .
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