Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from short leases , it has long been the practice for business tenancies to provide expressly for insurance of premises against fire and other damage .
2 Until recently it was assumed that they all persisted as adults , but is has now been shown that the chilling of infective larvae before administration to calves will produce arrested L5 ; hypobiosis at this stage has also been observed in naturally infected calves in Switzerland , Austria and Canada , although the extent to which this occurs naturally after ingestion of larvae in late autumn and its significance in the transmission of the infection has not yet been fully established .
3 Unfortunately silting has reduced the depth of some broads , and this , coupled with increased nutrient levels from sewerage outfall , together with run-off of fertilisers from surrounding farmland , has reduced the aquatic life .
4 Nevertheless , it did add to royal pressure upon the archbishop and further reminded him of the realities of royal power : in 1285 he petitioned for the relaxation of the statute , especially in respect of grants to parish churches , but Edward reserved his right to licence — to confer or withhold favour .
5 The first is that there are no systematic entailments between sentences differing only in respect of compatibles in parallel syntactic positions .
6 5.11.4 any steps taken in direct connection with the preparation and service of a Schedule of dilapidations during or after the expiration of the Term but if after the expiration of the Term only in respect of wants of repair occurring during the Term and where served within three months after the expiration of the Term
7 had committed against the barge hirers the tort of procuring breaches of their contract with their men — the plaintiffs would have had a cause of action not only in respect of breaches of hiring contracts but also in respect of new business they were unable to undertake .
8 The fiery Scot has had numerous run-ins with referees and linesmen since taking over as manager of Rangers in 1986 .
9 Just as Chairman of governors of the local boys school , we 've er , as Mr knows only too well , have written on a number of occasions erm saying how soon will the er these measures be brought forward , and I welcome them and er hope that we will agree them .
10 In 1918 , shortly after publication of Moments of Vision , he wrote to John Galsworthy ,
11 ‘ Is a trial judge entitled to refuse to permit the Crown to discontinue a prosecution after the Crown has called evidence which in his judgment could properly sustain a conviction if the jury believed it and provided he has first ascertained in the absence of the jury that the Crown were not in possession of facts of which the judge is unaware , which would justify discontinuance : and when counsel for the Crown decides to take no further part in the case , to call himself the one remaining prosecution witness whose evidence was merely to produce signed and initialled notes of an interview the police had with the defendant ?
12 ‘ Is a trial judge entitled to refuse to permit the Crown to discontinue a prosecution after the Crown has called evidence which in his judgment could properly sustain a conviction if the jury believed it and before the case for the Crown has been closed , provided he has first ascertained in the absence of the jury that the Crown were not in possession of facts of which the judge is unaware , which would justify discontinuance ; and when counsel for the Crown decides to take no further part in the case , to call himself the one remaining prosecution witness whose evidence was merely to produce signed and initialled notes of an interview the police had with the defendant ?
13 If anyone alive was not in need of cheek-roses at that moment it was Mr Cottle .
14 Teachers are the only LEA employees entitled to serve as appeal committee members , but not in respect of appeals to their school .
15 Erm this whole problem does give ministers erm a great deal of tension and heart searching erm and er we 're in the throws of , of , of looking for a leaflet that 's gon na help ministers faced with er parents who come and have to be turned away because we feel embarrassed , we feel erm the weight of our , our turning away people and our inability to minister the grace of God to them , although I 'd of thought gravity of but er anyway erm er but we have this problem and erm it seems to me that one way out of it is to pick up on what our brother from the Church of England said and look at new rites , and new ways in which we can open our arms to a public out there which is desperately in need of rites of passage .
16 Some contracts provide instead for performance without delivery , generally by payment of differences by reference to a published price or index .
17 Nowadays these horizons have expanded to take in much of the world outside by virtue of changes in education , in transport and communications , and , as we shall see in the following chapter , by virtue also of changes in the social composition of village community itself .
18 In a paper on peace and violence this is probably a proper focus , for it is men who are usually in charge of techniques of attack against outsiders .
19 Thus , sometimes a seller will find himself still in possession of goods after the ownership in them has passed to the buyer .
20 In letters to the Danish foreign minister , Poul Nyrup-Rasmussen , whose country holds the EC 's rotating presidency , and the EC commission president , Jacques Delors , Mr Beregovoy said he wanted the discussion of the oilseed deal put off pending completion of studies on whether the accord was compatible with EC common farm policy .
21 It provides also for management of resources outside the EEZs , both high-seas fish stocks and the resources of the sea bed ; the latter it declares to be ‘ the common heritage of mankind ’ and places it under the control of an International Sea-bed Authority .
22 He was not tall , close to minimum height in fact , but he was stocky , and he made up for lack of inches with a pressing , high-speed manner which sometimes made people think he was all noise and movement and no intelligence .
23 She was involved in the London Women 's Film Group and the setting up of Cinema of Women in the late seventies ; then there was a sense of a political project , opportunities for women to meet and discuss ideas and motivations .
24 It may be that the government has a proportion of the blame but you 're not surely condoning teachers who have these problems being up in front of children in the classroom ?
25 On the expenditure side , the federal government allocated 460 billion dinars to defence , and a further 106 billion dinars to pension funds , much of which was probably in respect of pensions of military personnel and veterans .
26 However , sex differences in achievement are not uniformly in favour of girls across all subjects : while girls regularly achieve higher numbers of passes in some subjects , boys consistently achieve higher numbers in others .
27 This puts services which used to be available free from the hospital out of reach of patients on low income and those with chronic health conditions who require multidisciplinary care .
28 The platform 's motion was easily carried , as amended , though no one knew what the amendment was , and the bulk of the hall filed patiently out in search of cups of tea and a Bath bun .
29 The DoH is sensitive to the charge that the Children Act has gone too far in favour of children at the expense of upholding the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians .
30 The sum , substantially in excess of estimates by the country 's central bank which had recently estimated borrowing to pay for war costs at around $10,000 million [ see also pp. 37987 ; 38166 ; 38212 ] , was expected to cover current expenditure reported to be running at some $20,000 million .
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