Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Government were part of the process of blocking the directive until it was so badly mauled that it is now very different from the one that we first saw and debated in the House a month ago .
2 University posts , however , were an attractive means of obliging friends , and a good deal safer , for popular feeling was rarely aroused and it was relatively easy to escape from an importunate friend by arguing that the place had already been promised .
3 If Berg was successfully to allege that it was fraudulently misled , it must show that some natural person connected with it had been misled , and Berg could not do this .
4 I carry on walking till it 's really dark and all the cars have got their lights on .
5 Often these compromise theories state , in effect , that punishment is only justified if it is both deserved and likely to have deterrent effects ( eg von Hirsch , 1976 : chs 5 and 6 ) .
6 Below that your ‘ bottom time ’ — the time between leaving the surface and commencing your ascent — is so limited that it 's hardly worthwhile . ’
7 The ground was so contaminated that it was too dangerous even to try to remove the soil .
8 Editor , — Fritz H Schröder rightly emphasises that it is not known whether treatment of early prostatic cancer is beneficial or whether screening for the disease offers any advantage .
9 In some cases land has become so degraded that it is agriculturally worthless .
10 The point is this : trust is only applauded when it is not seen to be misplaced .
11 I have been in the House long enough to know that it is not appropriate for me to comment on evidence given to a Select Committee until that Committee has reported .
12 The uses for speech synthesis are so varied that it is almost impossible to list them .
13 It has taken five years to get this one right and the Government will not want to repeat the mistakes of the mid-1980s when Nigel Lawson thought he had beaten inflation , only to discover that it was just sleeping .
14 In real life we may solve the problem that seems to confront us only to find that it is not the most important problem .
15 So , like a mug , I went out and bought it , only to find that it is n't anything like Pink Floyd .
16 The party reached the lip of the main summit crater safely , only to find that it was quite docile , and that there was little to see within the crater apart from dense , swirling clouds of pungent sulphurous steam .
17 God 's grace can be as much misused when it is wrongly applied to those who are oversensitive as when it is completely forgotten by those who are insensitive .
18 In the two-roomed apartment on the Rue de Montparnasse , Beatrice kept a ‘ twixty ’ , a bottle of brandy so named because it was never full and never empty .
19 It 's something she would naturally do but it was not the job alone that spurred the gentleman to buy her flowers .
20 She was so absorbed that it was not for some time that she realized that the sea on her left was no longer the water of the estuary but had become the ocean .
21 In ancient times this magnificent monument must have been much admired and it is hardly surprising that Imhotep was remembered as a great man and eventually became a god .
22 never was Socialist propaganda on sane and sound lines so needed as it was today
23 Each time the noise from the ‘ tap tap ’ obviously increases until it is more a ‘ clap clap ’ .
24 Sitting on the train she had suddenly thought that it was not worth it .
25 Porn has never been so loved or so hated as it is now .
26 This was one of the older parts of the forest , and its silence was a thousand-year atmosphere so distilled that it was almost physically affecting .
27 It was only minutes , the duration of that fleeting armistice , but such a stillness was so unaccustomed , embraced a silence so complete that it was always noticed , and wondered at .
28 We can only conclude that it was chiefly in the enthusiasm with which the British talked about it all .
29 Restaurateurs obviously know that it 's not in their best interests to poison people : however , seemingly inaccessible places can harbour dirt and discarded food scraps , which in turn encourage rodents , cockroaches and other pests .
30 She had long understood that it was not a healthy situation for any of them , and the sooner Elizabeth realised that , the better .
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