Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [conj] she [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 When seen the next morning in hospital , Pamela said she had not cared whether she lived or died when she took the overdose , but had hoped that it would show her parents how upset she was feeling about her school work , and that it might also persuade them to change their attitudes to her boyfriend .
2 Jezrael felt immense , immortal , swelled by the rage at herself that grew when she realized the deaths she had diverted from herself to her friends , to Company enemies .
3 Anne was angry and upset when she heard the news , and found that many of the women at work agreed with her .
4 His hand wavered , and she noticed the steel discipline which made him drop the phone back in its cradle and wait while she sipped the water .
5 ‘ OK , ’ she nodded quickly , and noticed as she left the veranda that Bill Hamilton had moved closer to his wife 's side and engulfed her slim artist 's hand in his larger , stronger one in a gesture of silent support .
6 Frau Nordern asked — and blenched when she heard the figure .
7 Now she exclusively tells PETER GRANT about her four years with the top soap and reveals that she wanted the writers to kill off the character of Chrissie Rogers .
8 She lives in Cornwall like a queen and complains if she has the smallest twinge .
9 The door to his room had been closed and locked when she visited the mother , and she had not bothered to come to the house when Tatyana committed suicide .
10 Silvia patted the hyacinth bedspread and giggled as she gave the mattress a little bounce .
11 The one who was still conscious snarled and swore as she tightened the rope about his ankles , and she shook her head reprovingly .
12 She menaced me with the extinguisher 's nozzle and , because I knew Ellen did not make idle threats , and because I knew she despised all displays of macho violence , I obediently stepped backwards and watched as she transferred the extinguisher 's aim to Sweetman .
13 She could not have borne it if he were suddenly to change his mind and demand that she give the whole thing up .
14 DAWN KENNEDY bowed her head and wept as she left the dock of Court 18 at the Old Bailey yesterday .
15 Chrissie looked into the playroom , and smiled as she saw the activity at the table-football .
16 She darted a glance across the table and coloured when she saw the piercing intelligence in his dark eyes .
17 Danny planted a kiss on her cheek and waited until she opened the front door before turning on his heel and walking off .
18 So you would need to look carefully at her stories and other writing , and see if she makes the same kind of mistake here .
19 She set it on the table , avoiding his stare , and made as if to leave , but stopped before she reached the door and looked in his eyes .
20 Mrs Joe was saying as she came out of the kitchen , ‘ The pie — has — gone ! ’ but stopped when she saw the soldiers .
21 Failing miserably , she found herself sliding sideways , and there was nothing she could do but laugh as she hit the field quite hard and bike landed on top of her .
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