Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] at [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If , therefore , it is difficult at this stage for us to establish with any certainty general patterns of cause and effect between ‘ industrialization ’ and the relatively autonomous conjugal family , it may be possible for us to argue that there is at least a degree of fit , a congruence , between these two elements .
2 The evidence is that communications from the judiciary to the Home Secretary on this topic are confidential ; and I accept that there is at least a tacit agreement that neither side will disclose them without the consent of the other .
3 In order to ensure that there is at least a decent degree of match between the colour on the screen and the colour that will eventually be printed , Adobe have built in a compensation system .
4 so it follows that there is at least a risk that clause nine will be struck down on your defence
5 a consequence of giving up the assumption that there 's at least an easily recognizable general will .
6 On the other hand , there are vast numbers of planets in the Universe , so there is at least a possibility that , somewhere , such a lifeform exists .
7 John Paris , in his biography of Davy published in 1825 , wrote : ‘ I have been able to present to the world a complete history of those proceedings which have so happily led to discovery of which it is not too much to say that it is at once the pride of science , the triumph of humanity and the glory of the age in which we live . ’
8 The nearest one can get to a level equivalence is to say that it is at roughly A Level standard , though it differs hugely from any actual A Level examination , and this comparison should not be taken too literally .
9 It looks , therefore , as if there is at least an empirical connection between academic autonomy and academic freedom .
10 Therefore , a lawyer , a financial analyst , an accountant , or journalist , aware of inside information relating to a company in whose shares he trades , is liable under Rule 10b-5 notwithstanding the absence of a fiduciary duty to the issuer of the securities provided there is at least a duty owed to another person — here the law firm , the financial intermediary , the accountancy firm , or the newspaper .
11 ‘ I 'm a firm believer in breastfeeding and intend to feed Jake until he 's at least a year old but he has a bottle of formula milk when I 'm out in the evening and drinks from a spouted cup at mealtimes — usually pure juice because there 's no added sugar . ’
12 She is a wooden ship , not unlike the old clippers we used to run for the grain trade before World War I , but she is at least a century older .
13 Thus , where there is a shift in demand towards good X and away from good Y , when prices are ‘ sticky ’ downwards , the price of X can only rise relative to Y if the money price of X rises more rapidly than the money price of Y. If economic agents are reluctant to reduce prices , then the price system will fail to operate unless there is at least a moderate rate of inflation .
14 Now , one can not have what I have called a ‘ would-be belief ’ that something is x unless there is at least the possibility of taking the thing to be x .
15 But there is at least a hint in the Bill that in certain circumstances opted-out schools ( to be referred to as grant-maintained schools ) might receive extra funds from the DES : although in general such schools are to receive funding equivalent to that which they would have received from the LEA , Clause 67 ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) lay down that for certain ‘ special purposes ’ extra non-recurrent or recurrent grants may be forthcoming .
16 We do not suggest he would be the right Labour leader , but he is at least an honest and fearlessly outspoken politician . ’
17 It is a dismal and discomfiting picture , but it is at least a ‘ natural ’ one .
18 Actuarial predictions of a country 's mortality record are now very reliable , but it is at least a theoretical risk that the record could deteriorate unexpectedly .
19 There is no space here to examine this issue in detail , but it is at least a little odd that the work of such pragmatic theorists as Grice , Horn , Levinson and Sperber and Wilson , which has been successful in many areas and which has also cast serious doubt on speech-act-based approaches , is never mentioned in a book which explicitly claims the superiority of Austinian approaches .
20 Discourse is reciprocal when there is at least a potential for interaction , when the sender can monitor reception and adjust to it — or , to put it another way , where the receiver can influence the development of what is being said .
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