Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] [pron] at the " in BNC.

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1 I suppose the fact that I 'd made it at the age of 14 was important because it meant I would go a long way in athletics .
2 I 'd met her at the odd party where we 'd chatted and that 's about it . ’
3 I did n't realise that I had lost it at the party . ’
4 In retrospect I can see that this implication can be drawn from the envelope , and I only wish I had realised it at the time .
5 Well I , I had done it at the interval .
6 I had met her at the England-USA match in Birmingham and she had offered to help me with my career .
7 Erm , no yo I 've , er I 've asked him at the parents ' evening what he expected us to do for economics , right ?
8 I 've seen him at the club many times .
9 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
10 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
11 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
12 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
13 I 've seen them at the shop , paying their bills .
14 Mind you , I 've seen it at the agency
15 I 've met lots at the Blackburn Literary Club .
16 If anybody comes in for a car radio cassette , I 've stuck one at the top there twenty quid if anybody
17 I 've marked it at the top .
18 Well I 've ordered it at the library because they did n't have , they used to , but it 's gone .
19 Oh , I 've , I 've got them at the chemist , that E forty five ,
20 But if I give some names to Mr next week I think yes well I 've got them at the music later today so I can ask them then .
21 And I have seen them at the mid-day rest hour of twelve to one , I have seen a ploughman come into the stable , shake up the straw in the stall of his leading beast and lie down there and sleep .
22 I have watched her at the opera , where she glittered .
23 It is your enthusiasm , dedication and sheer hard work which has placed us at the forefront of our industry .
24 She projected a kind of agelessness , which had made her at the same time an object of attention from both the Young Women 's Fitness Class and the Over-50s Club .
25 She 'd heard him at the glass door — a double knock , very light .
26 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
27 Miranda thought of M. Apéritif last night , and decided she would let him go further when she next saw him , in spite of the lizard darting of his small and oddly hard tongue in the kiss she 'd allowed him at the door of the hotel .
28 Not them other little things cos they know you 've got them at the school .
29 About all that , all those premiums you 've paid and you 're fifty one , and all of a sudden you 've got nothing at the end of it ?
30 The management er clearly desired to implement the scheme er with the minimum amount of frustration er to anyone , although you 've got to understand that as an engineer working a , a big milling machine for example , if someone comes along and said er , you know you could stand that job on its side different to what you 've got it at the moment , and you could do two faces instead of one you know , by turning the table and you know , by use of various tools er decrease the time factor , there was the , it was a fear that our members may work themselves out of a job .
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