Example sentences of "[pron] be [verb] out to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am not quite the Hochhauser rapist I am made out to be , but I expect a little peck , just here , on the cheek . ’
2 He said : ‘ I was made out to be the bad guy .
3 Shops were empty from panic-buying ahead of Czechoslovakia 's ‘ big bang ’ — which is turning out to be more like a big pop .
4 Humanism has resulted in a hedonistic way of life which is turning out to be anti-intellectual and irrational — consider the works of Francis Bacon — or Sid Vicious .
5 But , we know that April was a low figure , we also know that July and August are low a figure which comes out from this graph and was given to me by the director yesterday , is a genuine average which is turning out to be between a hundred and a hundred and ten placements per month twelve hundred to fourteen hundred placements per year a thr over a three year average residency period three thousand six hundred to four thousand two hundred placements in residential care , where then is the real problem .
6 The skies appeared to contain little that would have startled older astronomers , apart from a host of new observations by means of more powerful telescopes and measuring instruments ( both largely German developments ) and the use of the new technique of photography , as well as spectroscopic analysis , first applied to the light of the stars in 1861 , which was to turn out to be an enormously powerful tool of research .
7 ‘ Some lioness you 're turning out to be , ’ she muttered , with grim humour .
8 ‘ Your mouth gives away the fact that you 're not the frigid woman you 're making out to be — aside from all the other proof I have ! ’ he needled her by saying curtly .
9 One observer at Yeovil said : ‘ Despite Mrs Ashdown 's reluctance to get involved , whenever the opinion polls were announced she was far more demonstrative than she was made out to be .
10 ‘ It made me so angry to see her stepchildren cast as innocents while she was made out to be a dragon . ’
11 They may have been glad , since she was turning out to be hard to amuse , that she slept deeply in the early afternoons .
12 Plastics are not the villain they are made out to be as regards the volume of waste .
13 Is it the valuable service it 's made out to be ?
14 ‘ All this modelling is n't half as glamorous as it 's made out to be .
15 People who live in towns donlt understand what goes on in the countryside.It 's hard for us to explain why this great tradition should be preserved , but it is n't the barbaric activity it 's made out to be .
16 People who live in towns donlt understand what goes on in the countryside.It 's hard for us to explain why this great tradition should be preserved , but it is n't the barbaric activity it 's made out to be .
17 ‘ This has always been my favourite room , ’ says Mary Jane , ‘ and it 's turned out to be a perfect playroom for Emily and her friends .
18 You know , it 's turning out to be a brilliant story to do .
19 There was a deal of euphoria after the first night , the success of the missions , a certain element of surprise , but I did say at that time that we 'd be foolish to lower our guard , because erm there was still a lot of work to do , and that is exactly what it 's turning out to be , and we 're going for his military installations , and he 's got a lot of them , and it 's a wearing down process .
20 It is hard to verify whether or not this is the dreadful fish it is made out to be or whether the tales are apocryphal , but what is certain is that the species itself does exist .
21 Gordon Woodroffe , a zoologist who has studied the water voles of the North York Moors , does not consider that the mink is the total rogue it is held out to be in some quarters , but it certainly appears to have caused the vole 's extinction on the Moors .
22 She spends Christmas wondering if Macho Man really is the pig he is made out to be .
23 She thinks he is not at all the great genius he is made out to be — just possesses a pleasing talent .
24 The Indian prime minister , Mr Rajiv Gandhi , said last week that Mr Najibullah is ’ much stronger than he is made out to be ’ .
25 In ‘ Barchester Towers ’ though it is actually Dr. Proudie who takes the position wanted by Dr. Grantly , he is made out to be a rather insignificant and weak person whereas Mrs. Proudie is seen at once to be strong and authoritative , too much so , and Trollope makes of her the kind of character a reader loves to hate .
26 It was not their only misinterpretation or a highly complex personality , but it was to turn out to be a very serious one as events were shortly to prove .
27 Having relatives in England was not always the bonus it was made out to be .
28 It was turning out to be a day unlike any other he had spent at Gibbet Hall .
29 Amazing , when you thought about it , but it was turning out to be an amazing war .
30 It was turning out to be quite a good day .
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