Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] the [num ord] [num] " in BNC.

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1 From these summarized findings it is possible to derive tentative profiles of the activities of the first three teams .
2 ‘ We played them off the park for the first 25 minutes of the second half . ’
3 The latest version of the Park 's Structure Plan , which sets out the basic strategy of the control of development in the park for the next 10–15 years , states that the visual impact of windfarms outweighs the net benefit to global conservation .
4 These promoters give rise to unstable open complexes that are sensitive to a short heparin challenge , and are stabilized either by the addition of the first two initiating NTPs ( leading to the formation of an initiated complex ) , or by DNA supercoiling ( 8–10 ) .
5 After an intermediate five-book stage , The Prelude was completed in 1805 in thirteen books , including the addition of the first 271 lines at the beginning of Book i .
6 Mr. Beazley suggested that to do this would be adopting an isolationist attitude , but I am unable to accept this submission , particularly since Schedule 4 itself is a modified version of its counterpart in the Brussels Convention , which has been adapted in substantive respects to fit United Kingdom requirements , e.g. , by the addition of the last 12 words to article 5(3) , and by the insertion of the entirely new article 5(8) on which Mr. Beazley relies in the present case .
7 More generally , the link between the last three sections of this book is Tolkien 's perception , from Pearl and from poems like it , that poetry does not reduce to plain sense ( so far most critics would agree with him ) , but furthermore that this is because words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries , available however to many native speakers , and ( this is where many critics part company ) at times breaking through the immediate intentions of even poetic users .
8 The senders of the first six cards out of the back pocket on March 15 will be the winners .
9 The senders of the first six correct entries attended a cookery course run by the book 's two authors , and , at Leith 's School of Food and Wine .
10 Closing date is Wednesday , August 12 , and the prizes will go to the senders of the first two correct entries drawn .
11 The senders of the first five correct entries drawn on that day will each win a copy of the book .
12 The senders of the first five correct puzzles opened next Friday will each be sent a copy of the book .
13 As a final bonus , the senders of the first 500 entries received each month will be sent a 50p money-off voucher redeemable against any future purchase of Guinness Original .
14 The senders of the first 500 correct entries picked out the hat on that date will become Tizer Club members and get their super Tizer Club kits .
15 The senders of the first three questionnaires pulled out of the postbag will each win a Delight personal diet analysis and healthy eating programme .
16 So to while away those lonely winter nights , we 've arranged ( with Virgin Vision ) for 90-minute videos of red Ben live in action to go to the senders of the first 20 correct entries .
17 So to while away those lonely winter nights , we 've arranged ( with Virgin Vision ) for 90-minute videos of red Ben live in action to go to the senders of the first 20 correct entries .
18 It was a thank you to the 70 maintenance crew who have serviced the planes at the base for the last 22 years .
19 Five aircraft and three hundred american airforcemen will be at the base for the next two weeks .
20 the Sergeant started up the jeep and we entered the cornfield at speed , heading in the direction of the first three canisters .
21 Though The Turtles may be part of an older Manc tradition , of The Hollies , The Distractions and 10cc , Martin has no problem with the euphoria of the last 18 months .
22 The 20 foot roof above our heads provided perfect shelter for all eventualities , so we decided to share our last scraps of food in another bivouac after fixing the ropes on the first two pitches above the terrace .
23 So much so that , although it had not been mentioned at all in the advance publicity , it was given no fewer than 87 times that season and remained in the programmes for the next six seasons , by which time the company had danced it more often than any other work in their repertory except Les Sylphides and two of Ashton 's ballets , Façade and Les Rendezvous .
24 Britain 's fight for better budgeting terms dominated much of the debate within the EEC for the first ten years of British membership , masking the more important questions of sovereignty and Federalism .
25 Could I just remind members of the board of the next two meetings which are at the bottom of the er a a agenda and were given to you previously of course .
26 Her father has been an elder of the kirk for the last twenty years .
27 The PACE Day Centre near Aylesbury has been using the technique for the last 3 years , but it could all be over in the next couple of days .
28 The suckling pup may also be infected by ingestion of L3 in the milk during the first three weeks of lactation .
29 The bottles were dishonestly delivered to a shopkeeper , the third defendant , who was to get the deposits on the bottles from the company and share the money with the first two defendants .
30 He was speaking after the government funded Housing Corporation revealed plans to spend the money over the next 12 months on supporting schemes to build more than 2,000 homes .
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