Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I reproach myself at the same time .
2 I devote myself to the modest task of first abstracting from the actual economic policy of the State , which is the resultant of the struggle between two systems of economy , and the corresponding classes , so as to investigate in its pure form the movement towards the optimum of primitive socialist accumulation , to discover the operation of the conflicting tendencies , as far as possible in their pure state , and then try to understand why the resultant in real life proceeds along one particular line and not another .
3 Sarah : I define myself as a socialist lesbian feminist , but of course that in some sense begs more questions than it answers .
4 I lower myself into a contained eddy of water and lean back against a seat of rounded stone .
5 I find myself on a small brick platform about twenty feet above a man-made , well-bricked channel which follows a straight course through the factories and warehouses .
6 ‘ You see , I find myself in a similar position . ’
7 The expression " New Deal " was first used by Roosevelt in his speech accepting the Democratic Party nomination as its presidential candidate in July 1932 , when he said " I pledge you , I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people . "
8 Again I accept the constant parental care has been of the highest calibre and I remind myself of the many tributes to the quality of that care in the evidence before me .
9 I see myself as a voluntary servant of the composer , not as his slave .
10 This degree is an exciting new venture , and I see myself as the first of many lay people who will benefit from the training here ’ .
11 But I see myself in a different life
12 I see myself in the Northern European tradition .
13 I see myself in the Northern European tradition .
14 Some manufacturers such as MAN and DAF have solved the problem by fitting filters which clean themselves with a small furnace as the vehicle is in operation .
15 In that sense , their political attractiveness is not likely to be as great as that of present policies which emphasize training , selecting and matching , and which address themselves to the individual qualities and characteristics of the teachers themselves .
16 For those who sell themselves into a like dominion , paying down the price of their own honour , and throwing their soul into the balance to sink the scale to the level of their lusts , must win deliverance hardly .
17 You put yourself in the right mental state and adopt the persona that 's needed . ’
18 Gable regards this as an insult to the audience handed out by critics who consider themselves on a higher level .
19 You describe yourself as an intuitive rather than an analytical collector ; has this changed at all over the years ?
20 and how you feel yourself , that 's how you present yourself to other people , I think if you present yourself in a confident manner , I think people pick up on that and I do , I do n't think beauty is necessarily what you see , I think its how you feel within yourself and how you present yourself to people .
21 People who hear themselves for the first time on a tape-recorder often find it hard to believe that the stranger talking is actually them .
22 We will be dealing with all of those existing clients in terms of reassessing both their care needs and their financial ability to contribute to whatever package of care they 're getting , as well as taking on board all the new ones who present themselves for the first time in nineteen ninety four , five .
23 Well , my stars say if you find yourself at a low ebb this weekend do n't worry .
24 And on a good night the stars would seem to brighten ; if you looked up it was like a clear winter 's night in the city , one of those nights when you find yourself on a dark street , one without streetlamps , and for once you can see that the stars have different colours ; they are like still fireworks .
25 For example , every time the telephone or doorbell rings , pause for two seconds before answering ( you may find this simple exercise harder than it might seem ! ) ; or , if you find yourself in a heated discussion or argument , count from ten to one before responding .
26 Then , round a corner , you find yourself in the famous archaeological dig , which has been reconstructed where it took place , with the preserved tenth century buildings re-erected where they were found .
27 Helping an elderly parent through her sorrow can be a long , hard haul , but very rewarding in the end — not only in terms of her recovery , but also because , if you find yourself in the same position in later years , you will look back on this experience you shared with her and find that it has left you with a far deeper understanding of grief , and a greater confidence in the healing power of time to see you through your own period of adjustment to loss .
28 Janet 's counsellor Mamie Graham is on the end of a phone 24 hours a day for those who find themselves at the sharp end of crime .
29 Hospitals provide emergency ‘ asylum ’ care for vulnerable people who find themselves in a personal emotional crisis and need to escape from a distressing family situation .
30 However the situation is potentially lethal to fish , who find themselves in a similar situation to those human divers experiencing the bends !
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