Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am reliably assured that King 's College Chapel in Cambridge , which has stood as steady as a rock for the past 450 years , could never be built today because the design would never be accepted under the safety limits of the building regulations !
2 I am simply denying that God ( whatever we may mean by God ) could be of such a kind that God could intervene in human history , or be revealed through particular events in history , or through a particular person , in a way in which God is not potentially present to us in and through all acts and persons .
3 I am simply arguing that Brooke-Rose 's analyses point toward her later use of what she herself describes as ‘ metaphor ’ at the level of discourse .
4 I 'm simply saying that Sarella disclaimed all rights to Uncle 's bequest before becoming engaged to me .
5 ‘ But I 'm just content that things have been going pretty well on the field so far .
6 I 'm just saying that things might be less confused , and less dangerous , if he could soberly entertain the idea of being homosexual .
7 I 'm merely saying that Gramps could not have been the father of her child ! ’
8 I was constantly hearing that people were reacting to all this technology , expressing a wish to go back to basics with a simple bow , a look at the wind , an arrow loosed into the heavens and a hope that with luck it might hit the target .
9 So when , in 1959 , it was decided to build a mid-engined car , I was violently affronted that Berthon and his staff at Bourne would design it , and not me at Folkingham .
10 I was once told that Philip Henry Thomas , while preparing himself for the Civil Service examination , had followed his period as a pupil-teacher with a post connected with the railways which were expanding rapidly in industrial South Wales in the 1860s and 1870s .
11 Harris perceived that the I-Thou relationship is represented perfectly adequately by By frequently limiting his scope to I and Thou Shakespeare is creating an interpersonal field which is so restricted that thoughts , ideas , feelings move back and forth between sender and receiver without the need for any other delimitation or definition .
12 ( It 's just possible that the youngsters were expressing a scientific talent rather than a dislike of the press , for their is no denying that McGinty 's ample form would produce an immediate uplift in the balloon . )
13 ‘ You and Eddie , well , you 're both proof that miracles happen !
14 And now she was doubly determined that Janice would never be her mother .
15 But we are reliably informed that Angus will be back on his feet and more importantly that seat tomorrow .
16 However , we are also reminded that Pinnacle has n't been taped out yet so it 's still only hopes and dreams time over at Cypress .
17 Recall that we are temporarily assuming that irreducibles and primes are one and the same thing in Z.
18 As we explained in section 4.2 , the model we are considering assumes that prices in each market move each period to equate supply and demand in each market .
19 We 're here to ensure that punishment is carried out . ’
20 We 're always reading that prisons are far too overcrowded these days .
21 We were soon to discover that Masha might be in no condition to set us on any track .
22 More generally , while there is no denying that leaders couch their statements in moral language , which seems to emphasize differences and minimize similarities , their actions often bear little resemblance to these moral pronouncements .
23 Whilst there is no denying that cartography in its more advanced forms was never seen as an integral part of geography , it is nevertheless true that as cartography adopted more advanced technology it became more remote from geography , possibly as a result of the relatively lower interest in technology among most geographers .
24 What evidence there is certainly suggests that UK investment is relatively interest-inelastic , reducing the effectiveness of the interest rate as a policy instrument .
25 For example , how should policy makers react if , having been persuaded that the larger part of observed unemployment is Keynesian , they are also persuaded that NAIRU lies well within the range BC in Figure 8.8 ?
26 Most exporters would like to avoid exchange risk by invoicing in Sterling but they are now finding that markets will set the price and the method of pricing .
27 They are now asking that Rome recognises — or at least does not condemn — the love that dare not speak its name .
28 They were then told that Fisher had already pleaded guilty to raping an Oxford University student in June on last year and that he had a string of other convictions , including 2 of indecent exposure .
29 ‘ Because if you do n't , ’ said Owen , ‘ I shall let it be generally known that Andrus has been giving money to the Moslems for them to use against Copts . ’
30 It 's already known that women who take the contraceptive pill are much less likely to develop it .
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