Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv prt] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As I came up out of the trough , the wave was pouting out a lip like the deck of an aircraft carrier .
2 Maybe it is time that I came in out of the storm . "
3 I , I think er erm when I first started down there , it was a job , I thought well this is a good job fifteen bob a week , that 's , that 's a lot more than some of the other boys who 'd left school got , they were twelve and six you see and erm , I think erm I came back out of the forces and took over more responsible jobs , I do n't think I could have gone to anything else but transport .
4 Then I get up out of the creaking seat and stretch my legs , taking my glass over to the floor-to-ceiling windows which form one wall of the ballroom and look out over the gardens to the railway line and the shore of the loch .
5 I wander back out to the garden , but the magic has gone .
6 I ran back out of the room .
7 ‘ Right , sir , ’ Doone said , as I stood up out of the car , ‘ we 've done nothing here so far .
8 Then , just as the doors were closing , I dived back out to the platform .
9 It must have been a shock , her turning up out of the blue like that .
10 Just beyond the church is a track which leads back out of the bay and on towards the soaring cliffs of Fair Head .
11 They followed the porter along the serpentine path , then suddenly they were through the trees and into a glade ringed by clumps of trees , silent except for the gurgle of a small brook as it splashed down some rocks which thrust up out of the ground like the finger of a buried giant .
12 ‘ It depends what you mean by out of the way .
13 Yeah , well before sh he was born , she stopped doing them and er she phoned up out of the blue and so said to her , no they live at Bognor I think or something .
14 Ominously , she could n't even see the road when she peered down out of the high window .
15 Besides those who waited to journey together there were others who came up out of the forest alone and who seemed to belong there , men licensed by the Lord Warden to carry on their trade in certain parts of the forest , woodmen , trappers , charcoal burners , for the most part a silent surly sort of men who emerged from the forest , went briefly about their business , had little to say for themselves , and then disappeared into the solitude again .
16 The wind , I thought , was shaking the door , but no , it was St John , who came in out of the frozen darkness , his coat covered in snow .
17 As your personal tour ends and you walk back out into the invigorating mountain air , you will be left with that unmistakable impression of sheer opulence … and the feeling of being very much at home .
18 But whether you are here for the first or merely the latest time , as you enter the square — better still , as you emerge into it , blinking away the bright Milanese light as you climb up out of the Metro — there can be no doubting its magical ability to conjure a timeless moment of calm from out of the bustle .
19 I leaned against her wall and gasped for air , and my arms and legs felt like lead weights , like when you climb up out of the baths and all the water 's draining off you .
20 But by then she was so inwardly tense at the deception which through love and loyalty she had to perform that she barely noticed the grand buildings as she drove up out of the valley to where the town ended and a tarmacked road through woodland began .
21 But as the shaking continued she came up out of the bad dream , trembling and drenched once more with perspiration , her cheeks damp with tears .
22 She came back out onto the terrace a few minutes later .
23 You pop up out of the blue and expect me to drop everything , just like that .
24 A movement caught her eye as she stepped back out onto the pavement but before she could react a black youth shot past her on rollerskates , snatching the bag out of her hand .
25 She scrambled up out of the hedge and reached the roadside just as the bus rolled past .
26 You turn up out of the blue with some cock and bull story
27 She went on out to the main road .
28 She went back out into the daylight and began to gather together some of the larger rocks that were scattered about .
29 She went back out into the bright sunshine while Julius made all the arrangements for Eleanor 's departure .
30 After we came up out of the dank womb of the pit , we went for a drink in the welfare club .
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