Example sentences of "[prep] one [noun sg] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The standard bond dissociation enthalpy is the enthalpy change that accompanies the breaking of one mole of bonds with the molecules and resulting fragments being in their standard states at 298 K and a pressure of one atmosphere .
2 Mr Farquhar said : ‘ Over recent times many have spoken of one set of killers as a mirrored image of the other .
3 The dazzle effect of grids can be subdued by establishing a hierarchy of one set of parallels over another .
4 The only possible answer is that Anselm was not a bargainer chaffering the half-acceptance of one set of principles against the half-acceptance of another .
5 As Harris ( 1972 ) has written in his analysis of British conservatism , ‘ the aura of Conservatism must remain ambiguous , for intellectual clarity — that is , the clear expression of one set of interests before all others — is the enemy of cooperation between diverse groups , ( pp. 13–14 ) .
6 Further efforts were made to strengthen the defences at this time by the despatch of one flight of Hurricanes from 274 Squadron in North Africa .
7 The Scottish stand-off , who was among the Lions replacements , was forced to parade , bouquet in hand , from behind one set of posts to the red carpet on the half-wayline as chaperone to Mireille Mathieu , the French songstress who had just rendered all three verses of the Marseillaise ( with the chorus repeated each time ) .
8 A cautious Mrs Gillian Shephard , the new Employment Secretary , said yesterday that too much should not be read into one set of figures before adding that they and a series of other favourable statistics may offer ‘ glimmers of hope ’ on the jobless front .
9 I came to London with one set of thoughts about universality and triteness .
10 I came to London with one set of thoughts about universality and triteness .
11 Near Teheran primroses come in many colours while here in Britain you very occasionally find one with double flowers , or with one set of petals inside another .
12 Disney said yesterday it had reached a settlement with one group of contractors for an undisclosed sum .
13 In one clutch of eggs from , for example , a giant tortoise , there will be some hatchlings which , because of their genetic constitution , will develop longer necks than others .
14 One way of disguising them is to launder the sum through different accounts at the club , showing in one set of accounts as a private loan to the lotteries account , in the next under the Supporters ' Club account … the list can go on and on .
15 They do not try to prove causal relationships but they do try to understand how events bring about change from one state of affairs to another .
16 The gurgling male , alternately bowing down and rearing up , chased the female from one row of tiles to the next .
17 This process has continued from one generation of Homoeopaths to the next so that instead of the new discoveries sweeping away all the previous ideas , as commonly occurs in many ‘ scientific ’ studies , the knowledge of remedies , known as Materia Medica , is continually being added to , developed and refined .
18 ‘ OALD 's reputation passes from one generation of students to the next , and also seems to carry authority in a way its rivals do not , perhaps because of its family resemblance to the Oxford English Dictionary . ’
19 The advantage of this method is that there is no need for any conversion from one set of figures to another .
20 Like a man changing horses in midstream , someone can pass over in seconds from one set of assumptions to another .
21 The frequency and extent of the roll varies from day to day and from one set of conditions to another .
22 The second is to lay down the ground-rules for generalizing from one set of conditions to another , for example , from the laboratory to the real world .
23 To Caroline home is a room for her possessions , abandoned by her Mum and Dad as a baby , she spent her life moving from one set of parents to another .
24 They go from one set of arms to another , hoping to find that lasting union with the beloved .
25 The Assistant Government Agent at Matara agreed that the establishment of village tribunals had led to a decrease in the number of police court cases , but asked ‘ what good end is obtained by merely removing the scene of litigation from one set of courts to another , and doubling the amount of litigation in the process , and how it is supposed that by increasing litigation twofold the peace and harmony of the district is secured , and litigation robbed of all the rancour and bad feelings it engenders in the ordinary courts ? ’
26 He who imagines the revolution of the proletariat to be a peaceful transition of power from one set of hands to another , and the revolution in the relations of production to be a change in the leadership of the organisational apparatus , he , who pictures the classic model of a proletarian revolution in this way , will recoil in horror from the tragedy mankind endures throughout the world .
27 They are shunted from one set of rails to another ; turn-tables spin them round until they can be run upon any particular line ; by means of capstans and ropes the loaded trucks are warped this way or that ; and tank engines push them hither and thither .
28 These rather artificial bridges from one group of questions to another are useful for keeping the candidate 's mind focused on the right area of response and for helping the interviewer see his/her way through the prearranged structure of the interview .
29 He really wanted to take that visible demonstration of Christian unity from one group of believers to another .
30 Jumping mechanisms vary considerably from one group of insects to another .
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