Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It remains , however , an eerily effective evocation of the first industrialised conflict , the dress rehearsal for the trench slaughter of WWI .
2 During the decade prior to the First World War there was some discussion of proposals for the state maintenance of children .
3 The property was completed in 1990 for the Pyman family of shipbuilders .
4 Coordinators of education management courses interviewed spoke of the difficulty this poses both for the curriculum balance of courses and for the image of the arts as a serious concern of education .
5 Too much emphasis on the search for the ratio decidendi of cases can be misleading .
6 The section provides for the newspaper advertisement of applications for a grant ( including a provisional grant ) of a new licence and for a regular extension of the permitted hours by the clerk of the board to whom application is made ( subs .
7 She studied at the Edinburgh Association for the University Education of Women , and then at University College , Aberystwyth , and at the extramural School of Medicine for Women , Edinburgh .
8 Allowing time for handover and meal breaks , what is the optimum time required for the afternoon overlap of shifts ?
9 At first sight it is difficult to reconcile this finding with those of Sachs ( 1967 ) and Garrod and Trabasso ( 1973 ) that recognition memory for the surface form of sentences disappears within 40–60 syllables of input .
10 The curriculum includes production techniques for the surface decoration of textiles and paper products ; design methods and computer development of design ; pattern movement and colour modulation — essentially relating these to industrial practice .
11 Look out for the CET range of products , including an ingenious rubber bone called The Dental Kong , £10 , and the Nylabone dental range , £2-£4 , available from better pet shops and veterinary centres .
12 Hotels and guest houses and cafés cater for the summer influx of visitors .
13 They opt for the pop end of things , complete with requisite effects pedals et al , and give it loads of balls .
14 These studies should extend students ' prior learning in order to provide an adequate and sound basis for the diploma programme of studies .
15 She does not believe that day care can substitute for the one-to-one relationship between mother and child , and favours the introduction of greater financial incentives and other support for the family care of children .
16 All of this is coming about as a direct result of the original plan for the Local Management of Schools and it 's continuing success , in spite of the Labour Group and not because of it , and so I move the amendment my Lord Mayor .
17 It can have been no easy journey for the funeral procession of mourners and military volunteers as they followed the coffin up the steep climb to Catherine Hill Burial Ground that bleak Friday in February with the snow thick on the ground .
18 This arrangement offers unusual opportunities for the quality control of courses .
19 There are lots of resources available for you , but ultimately if you have a manager or a supervisor in your title , then you are responsible for the training development of others , or in a technical , Louise and Andy the B T As are responsible for the , the technical training , are n't they , of others within , within the section cos you have the knowledge .
20 The extent to which the process of privatization has involved major shifts to market provision at local level , then , should not be exaggerated , and public choice theory would suggest there is much more scope for the market provision of services currently handled through the state .
21 Sometimes that is in unusual conditions ; in 1991 the airline set a record by cramming 1,086 people into a Boeing 747 during the emergency airlift of Jews from Ethiopia .
22 During the Nassau meeting of 18–2I December 1962 , President Kennedy ignored strong contrary advice and agreed to let Macmillan have Polaris .
23 Additionally , peripheral areas experiencing de-population , environmental pressures or other unfavourable characteristics inhibiting development , such as the size structure of farms , could be considered .
24 Theists grow impatient with what they see as the reductionist behaviour of atheists , whom they accuse of disproving something the theists never claimed to believe in .
25 As the majority holder of funds for technology transfer , the DTI 's announcements relating to the White Paper are where much of the action is .
26 Geophysical and borehole evidence for regarding the structure as the surface expression of movements on a Variscan thrust plane developed at the southern margin of the London Platform ( East Anglian — Brabant Massif ) has been summarised by Smalley and Westbrook ( 1982 ) .
27 A series of record cards are produced which reveal at a glance the condition and effectiveness of the stock in each interest category , and an ‘ annual replacement target ’ is worked out which serves for the selector as the target figure of acquisitions for his category during the year .
28 This scheme has become known as the Local Management of Schools ( LMS ) ( see Chapter 8 ) .
29 This new system , now known as the Local Management of Schools ( LMS ) , began to operate on 1 April 1990 , and is planned to be completely in operation by April 1993 .
30 We have seen the growth of extra church bureaucracies such as the World Council of Churches , and the bureaucratisation of churches themselves .
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