Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [be] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The abolition of the tied cottage was for many years the notorious ‘ hardy annual ’ of TUC and Labour Party conferences but reform of the system was pushed persistently aside .
2 Yes , the basement is for those who fail , the lower basement is for those failures who blame their failure on their supporters .
3 Work in this field was for many years hampered by a lack of techniques sufficiently sensitive to detect changes in the solutions under study and by a rigid and over-simplified view of the nature of solutions .
4 probably the sensible course is for most books to be ordered sight unseen , with the occasional title requested ‘ on approval ’ when it is thought that seeing the book would be helpful .
5 But this monitoring was for many students inconsistent with their future leading roles in Chinese industry , commerce and society in general .
6 However , that imposition simultaneously reveals how , without linguistic knowledge to explain the distinction , the enforced recognition is for many teachers a traumatic experience .
7 And this figure is for each cell , not all the cells of a body put together .
8 Occasionally a married man , particularly if his sexual capacity is for some reason declining , may find pornography more attractive than the " real thing " .
9 It should be apparent therefore that public transport is for many people on Skerne Park a lifeline link to town centre and vital facilities such as supermarkets and doctors .
10 Any attempt , in the period between the two World Wars , to raise the school-leaving age or to provide secondary education on a more generous scale was for these reasons bound to encounter sustained political opposition .
11 When we take somebody , assess their needs and offer them a care package , in terms of the elderly , erm , and more importantly in terms of those with physical disability or learning disability , we have basically got to support that person for the rest of their life , and therefore , the commitment is not just for the current year , the commitment in , in the case of the elderly depending on what is being offered , whether it be nursing home care , or residential care is for several months or years .
12 Alan and I served er , together as er , deputy Chairs , or vice-Chairs or whatever the appropriate words are for several years er , and I erm , well I think I would adopt the words that he used about the experience that he has had in the Chair , to whit , that his companionship and his contribution to our affairs has been stimulating , enlightening and particularly enjoyable .
13 what the overall overhead is for this organization , in terms of people
14 The official aim is for all countries to take a critical look at their own communications policies and to help the developing nations improve theirs .
15 As we have noted in Lecture l , the ‘ no government ’ economy is a purely hypothetical construct , and several writers ( e.g. , Prest , 1968 ) have argued that the global comparison is for this reason of little interest .
16 Advanced Diesel is for all diesel engined vehicles .
17 Noise is a potent trigger and its constant presence is for many teachers very wearing .
18 ‘ How fit shooting is for all kinds of men : how honest a pastime for the mind ; how wholesome an exercise for the body . ’
19 The system is complicated and credited contributions are for some purposes not as good as paid contributions .
20 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
21 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
22 The ‘ normal minimum admission standards ’ listed in these tables are for many areas of study a realistic indication of the grades likely to be required and applicants who hold these grades stand an excellent chance of being made an offer , eg for most degrees in the Faculty of Arts , the Faculty of Science and Engineering , and the less pressured areas in the Social Sciences such as Nursing Studies or Social Policy .
23 Since these payments are for this purpose they are quite separate from , and are not dependent upon , any right to compensation or the ‘ Disturbance Payment ’ which is described below .
24 These encounters are for this reason accompanied by a great deal of laughing , smiling and verbal exchanges .
25 Although the human operator is for many purposes within ergonomics appropriately considered as a mere information processing device , any design issue must be considered in the context that these human operators are individuals and citizens within communities .
26 Even without insisting on the strict claim that inference from fact to value is logically inadmissible , a claim which since Hume has been a commonplace , and after G. E. Moore 's analysis of the Naturalistic Fallacy was for some time an orthodoxy , it has been convenient to stay out of range of standard criticisms by showing that we can get along well enough without resorting to this kind of inference .
27 Newbery argued that a more useful approach was for each country to be looked at separately and the level of damage quantified to see how it could be most effectively and economically put right .
28 He had a formidable reputation as a hard , cryptic , ruthless man whose god was perfection and whose greatest intolerance was for any weakness or sentiment which undermined it ; but there was something in his face as he looked at me which was very like kindness .
29 And developments which did not contribute to , nor necessarily seek that objective were for that reason defective .
30 In fact , whereas the parallel protestant movement of evangelical revival was for all people , and the issue tended to be decisive , catholic spirituality diverged on both points .
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