Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Peter was famous for nothing besides denying the Lord and putting his foot in his mouth up to the kneecap on several occasions , but he was chosen .
2 The windows are now boarded up , but the rocks which came through them still litter the floor .
3 She is silently waiting for me now to understand the nature of what she is offering me .
4 Elizabeth waited for a moment as though for someone else to open the door and then rose and went to do so herself .
5 Subba Row , also the chairman of Surrey and a former England and Northamptonshire batsman , will remain a powerful voice but clearly wishes for someone else to take the responsibility for the hazards to come .
6 5 If you leave a message for someone else to phone the journalist back , check to see that they have not missed the message or forgotten to fulfil it .
7 In order to erode inflationary expectations , deflationary policies may be called for which temporarily raise the unemployment rate above U * ; , thereby leading by degrees to downward revisions of the expected , and hence the actual , rate of inflation .
8 Two medical practitioners , neither of whom previously knew the patient , recommended her detention in hospital because she was said to be a paranoid schizophrenic with signs of aggressive , overactive and irrational behaviour .
9 Gorbachev 's plans for more radical nuclear weapons cuts were generally received with caution , however , by Western leaders , some of whom reportedly questioned the feasibility of the proposals in the face of the rapid disintegration of the Soviet Union .
10 Passageways were pierced through the walls of houses in some places , and in others they were supported on props along the faces of warehouses and shops , and it was across one of these — a sturdy bridge of timber which was designed to withstand the weight of carts as well as men — that Burun 's party moved without very much opposition from the revellers , most of whom clearly preferred the breadth of the main streets .
11 Some have been able to introduce charges for particular tourist attractions , but a large number still depend on the good will of visitors , too many of whom studiously ignore the collection box .
12 When Peter Green left , Kirwan and Spencer remained to take the mantle , neither of whom really possessed the ability or motivation to do justice to their new-found roles .
13 Of the ‘ preferred ’ fruit trees , the distributions of the adult trees of three of them closely resembled the seed shadows made by the tamarins in a way not unlike that of the birds mentioned at the end of section 6.2.1 .
14 Two brave men changed direction to rush to his aid , but neither of them even reached the wire .
15 One of them just missed the teacher 's head .
16 Now that he was left alone with the two women , both of whom ( he imagined ) rather admired him , Rupert felt a sense of power , though there being two of them rather limited the scope of what he could do — cramped his style , he might almost have said .
17 The Italian government , concerned that the better things should remain in Italy , were delighted to hear that many of them only made the journey by canal from the Cannareggio to the piano nobile of the Palazzo Malpiero .
18 If there is a wide range of office books in use by religious in the Church of England , almost all of them now use the ASB rite for the Eucharist .
19 It was a time of speculative fever burning over western Europe , and debt holders not only rushed to exchange , many of them quickly put the stock back on to a soaring market where others rushed to take it up .
20 More importantly , none of them spontaneously reflected the irony or the exaggerations of the passage in their recall .
21 The training officer group were more likely to refer to joint or group decisions , none of them specifically mentioned the need for central approval , few mentioned relevancy to post as being essential ( or if they did it was within a wider framework of reference than relevance to post alone ) , and they were more likely to specify that the needs of the service and the needs of the individual were both taken into account .
22 None of his friends could possibly have pointed out that there was no question of his ever passing the physical .
23 There seemed no prospect of his ever getting the technique .
24 Evidence suggests it is generally best to tell early ( even while the adoptee is still a baby ) so the child grows up with the knowledge ; it also removes the risk of someone else telling the child .
25 ‘ I did n't think I could face the idea of someone else having the job , ’ she laughs , ‘ but it was also a great opportunity for me . ’
26 In addition , the Council would like to acknowledge the support of the companies and organisations shown below which readily accepted the challenge of the Initiative by seconding senior staff to SCDI or by giving generous in-kind assistance .
27 Somehow she felt certain that he would always be far too sure of himself even to consider the possibility .
28 Beside her hovered Legion , in a multiplicity of bodies , all of which somehow gave the impression of looking directly at her .
29 As far as public international law is concerned , the member states in question refer above all to the Geneva Convention of 29 April 1958 on the High Seas , article 5(1) of which expressly recognises the right of each state to fix ‘ the conditions for the grant of its nationality to ships , for the registration of ships in its territory , and for the right to fly its flag . ’
30 The rustic cottage was surrounded by topiary and flowers and was surmounted by a chimney-pot , out of which incongruously sprouted the trolley pole ! ( see p. 112 ) .
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