Example sentences of "[verb] that it was [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 This was followed in the case of Ellen Street Estates Ltd. v. The Minister of Health ( C.A. , 1934 ) where the court found that it was impossible for Parliament to enact that , in a subsequent statute dealing with the same subject-matter , there should be no implied repeal .
2 He himself had received letters from all over England , seeking his advice on questions of conscience , and found that it was unsatisfactory for Anglicans to have to rely on Roman Catholic literature for guidance in such matters .
3 Ramsey realized that it was possible for a mind to inhabit a partly unreal world .
4 It also remained a source of controversy among the Canadian electorate , its supporters maintaining that it was essential for competing with the world 's other large trading blocs , while its opponents blamed it for Canada 's current economic malaise .
5 Aristotle might affirm that it was impossible for another cosmos like our own to exist .
6 Einstein proposed a box full of radiation with a clock-operated shutter , so arranged that it was open for a time At , letting out some radiation during this period .
7 He realised that it was improper for Policemen to accept gifts .
8 In 1670 , Richard Baxter 's book , ‘ The Cure of Church Divisions ’ was published in which he argued that it was good for Christians to continue to worship in parish churches despite the bitter hostility against Nonconformists .
9 Unwilling to follow Merleau-Ponty by dropping the second in favour of the first , Sartre argued that it was possible for man to be both at once through the movement of praxis , that is intentional actions which produce material effects .
10 Only a few exceptional women were likely to take advantage of equal education opportunities , though on grounds of utility alone , Mill argued that it was important for this small pool of female talent to be permitted free choice of occupation so that it might contribute to human development .
11 It will have been noticed that it was common for more than one child in a family to enter the same trade , and our sample very strikingly demonstrates the importance of sisterhood .
12 The former Dean of the Institute , Dr Marten Shipman , believed that it was essential for schools and teacher training institutions to play a shared role in the development of students .
13 Fred Jowett , who nevertheless remained with the ILP , " believed that it was fundamental for the ILP to continue to keep in the main stream of working class life through its mass organisation in the Labour Party and the Trade Union Movement " .37 After the " clean break " of 1932 the ILP could only alleviate its isolation by working with the smaller , though more militant , groups on the Left .
14 Peter Preston , editor of The Guardian , said his newspaper 's main aim was to get the European court to rule that it was wrong for the Government to use injunctions to prevent publication of such material , on the questions of principle and cost .
15 Finance Ministers and central bank governors ( i ) commented that the United Kingdom was moving towards economic recovery , that recovery was under way in the United States , that growth was projected to pick up in Italy and France , and that in Japan and Germany growth had slowed from the rapid pace in 1990 to a more sustainable rate ; ( ii ) noted the importance of strengthening global savings ; ( iii ) reaffirmed the need for effective measures to avoid the recurrence of " recent irregularities that were revealed in some financial markets " ( a reference in particular to scandals in Japan — see pp. 38529 — and to the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International — see pp. 38396-37 ; 38355 ; 38545 ) ; ( iv ) called on the Paris Club to continue discussions on how best to implement promptly additional debt relief measures , on a case-by-case basis , which went well beyond the relief already granted under the " Toronto terms " [ see pp. 36123-24 ] ; and ( v ) noted that it was essential for developing countries to encourage private capital flows .
16 All were agreed that multiple homage was an aberration , displeasing to God ; but we may assume that it was rare for a man to refuse a good gift or a bargain on this account .
17 Given this scenario one would have thought that it was clear for all to see that what is required are urgent steps to reduce the time , and opportunity for offending , between being apprehended for an offence and having that offence dealt with by the courts .
18 One young woman stated that it was impossible for her to come off and stay off while her partner was still using :
19 It ran right up and over his cheekbones , leading one to suspect that it was important for him to shave his eye sockets and forehead daily , if he wanted to avoid becoming altogether bestial .
20 The Supreme Soviet also resolved on Oct. 25 to send a delegation of observers to the USSR Supreme Soviet 's Soviet of the Republics [ see below ] , noting that it was inexpedient for Ukraine to take part in inter-republican structures which could entail its forming part of another state .
21 I indicated a chair and she nodded that it was OK for me to sit down .
22 Although a date for the elections was not set , the government indicated that it was anxious for voting to take place before the end of the year .
23 ‘ The cases in which the principle has been applied are cases in which the nature , scope and purpose of the function vested in the repository made it unlikely that Parliament intended that it was to be exercised by the repository personally because administrative necessity indicated that it was impractical for him to act otherwise than through his officers or officers responsible to him .
24 The Royal Commission on the Police ( 1962 ) indicated that it was responsible for the physical well-being of the force .
25 The immediate application of this engine was in pumping water out of mine workings , which had often become so badly flooded that it was impossible for them to be worked , and pumps driven by waterwheels were unequal to the huge drainage problems .
26 The poet 's wife tried to avoid going , by saying that it was late for the child and that she would have expected her husband not to be curious .
27 Amid mounting political and economic problems Attlee decided that it was impossible for the government to struggle on with its tiny majority .
28 The answer was that Pomeranian Polish identity was no threat unless the Junkers decided that it was convenient for it to be so ; the identity of the Pomeranian Poles was so peripheral to Polish national identity that politically these people were no threat at all .
29 A notice at the bottom of the street warned that it was unsuitable for motors .
30 A detailed ultrasound assessment was undertaken before the procedure to determine : ( a ) the position of the gall bladder to ensure that it was suitable for safe percutaneous puncture ; ( b ) the size and stone load of the gall bladder to ensure that there was adequate working space for the lithotrite and that a vortex could be achieved ; and ( c ) the function of the gall bladder by use of a standard fat stimulus .
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