Example sentences of "[noun] he will [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a few days he will catch a boat for South America .
2 After the initial ‘ feeling out ’ process he will select a nest site and begin to build a nest .
3 If he takes an ( optical ) photograph of the wall he will have a snap of featureless plaster , as the light is reflected back from the surface and not from inside the structure .
4 I fear that from becoming perhaps a local nuisance he will become a pest .
5 The judge has told the jury he will consider a manlaughter verdict against one of the men .
6 Moreover , a serious disadvantage is that a student enrolling for a Dip.HE course is not guaranteed , in every case , that on successful completion of the course he will secure a place on a subsequent degree course .
7 A right pain in the neck , in short , but in the end he will buy a copy — full retail price , no questions asked — and ( because collectors are generally tidy chaps ) will stack up neatly the rejects so that they may be snapped up by the mere purchaser or — even more gratifyingly undiscerning — the impulse buyer .
8 With time and proper encouragement he will become a man in his own right , determining his own direction , and relatively unaffected by trying to secure the approval and attention of his parents .
9 Last I have a very pleasant task to perform , namely to ask Angela to kindly present to His Lordship a token of our loving esteem for all he has done for the Guild over the years and hopefully when he wears the vestment he will say a prayer for us all — AD MULTOS ANNOS .
10 When the £5 million Juventus midfielder leads out England for the first time he will spare a thought for the man who captained England to 1966 World Cup glory , just 48 hours after Bobby Moore revealed that he was battling cancer .
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