Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [pron] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tom unbuttoned his overcoat , fished in the pocket of the dark suit which he scathingly referred to as his ‘ city uniform ’ for his identity card and flashed it at the uniformed security man .
2 He stretched out his long legs and crossed them at the ankles .
3 The Chinese believe that to stand on one leg while kicking with the other unbalances the practitioner and places him at a disadvantage .
4 And finally two Ayr police officers said that a shelved 1969 report showed they had picked up a man ‘ of slight build and a Glasgow accent who said his name was McGuigan or McGuinness ’ some 600 yards from the Ross bungalow in the early hours of the morning of the murder and dropped him at the bus station ; and they now declared from photographs recently shown to them that the man was William McGuinness .
5 Deliberately , he lifted the photograph and flung it at the fireplace .
6 Send us a cartoon or a caricature on the theme of 20th-century Oxford and we 'll publish the best two entries and display them at the Ashmolean .
7 Ian came with us part of the way , so we took two cars and left ours at the finishing point and Ian 's at the entrance to the track .
8 I made contact with Sheringham through an agent and met him at a hotel .
9 Josh Gifford wheeled Honey End round , took him back a few paces and put him at the fence a second time .
10 A dozen years ago , half ICI 's sales were in the UK , tying the company 's fortunes to Britain 's anaemic manufacturing industry and putting it at a colossal disadvantage to rivals in more robust economies ; last year , the proportion was down to 21% , against 31% in the Americas , 25% in continental Europe , 17% in the Asia-Pacific region and 6% elsewhere .
11 The volume of consumption should be adjusted by altering taxes and social insurance contributions , raising them to dampen down a boom and cutting them at the beginning of a depression .
12 Remember you can not receive a confrontation and give one at the same time .
13 Some of them aid the deception by raising their tails and wagging them at the approaching attacker , while keeping the rest of the body still .
14 It 's great to see those guys out here , giving pleasure and enjoying themselves at the same time .
15 It is much better to have one review and to have it at the beginning of the Parliament , and that is exactly what we shall do .
16 The scene that greeted her at the top was already less frightening than it had been when Phoebe arrived .
17 the sad news for golfers is that you 've a better chance of watching the sport than playing it at the Oxfordshire club … membership is being limited to 750 and the joining fee is twenty five thousand pounds …
18 Like someone in a trance , she gazed at the clasp that fastened it at the throat .
19 ‘ Anybody could have driven it to Exeter and dumped it at the station without leaving traces that would be discovered by anything short of a pukka forensic examination . ’
20 Harvey was there in a red-coat uniform , smiling and doing his neat little dances and pretending to drop plates and saving them at the last minute , and the girls were saying ‘ Ooo ’ and slyly studying each other 's hairdos and shoes .
21 On present thinking , it would be more logical to treat it as revision and to do it at the later stage .
22 I remember when Mike was a baby and I went home with my shopping and left him at the check-out in Sainsbury 's .
23 They followed Fiver up the run and overtook him at the entrance .
24 If I forgive you for being male and cruel and unreasonable , you must forgive me for being female and for carrying another man 's child and wanting you at the same time .
25 ‘ When we 're ready to leave I 'll go to the clinic , get my passport out of the desk and meet you at the airport .
26 In Chicago on June 17 she attacked those attempting " to create a new artificial state by taking powers away from national states and concentrating them at the centre " .
27 And now she did what she had promised herself she would do , and lifted her foot and aimed it at the nun 's shin .
28 Thirdly , the model suggests one way of accounting for the peculiar nature of mathematics , computing and language , as the disciplines which constitute our stances in and towards the world , and for the way they relate to other disciplines , both servicing them at a mundane level and pervading them at a profound level .
29 Then he took the stones from their pouch and laid them at the bottom of the Bowl .
30 She looked into the eyes of this human peacock and found herself at a complete loss for words ; and he too seemed surprised by this girl who had agreed to be his bride : he looked up at her ( she was half a head taller than he ) in a way that she might have interpreted as hostile had she not been in too much of a turmoil herself to notice it .
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