Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [conj] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All signs are that it is making a real impact in reducing the spread of Aids , ’ Mr Roberts said .
2 Counterfeiting is a multi million pound industry and all the signs are that it 's growing at an alarming rate .
3 The reason vitamin D was regarded as a vitamin is because it is found in our food , and this is important for those who do not receive adequate exposure to sunlight — for example , the house-bound elderly .
4 One explanation for this unbridled production of HBV proteins is that it is fostered by concurrent mediations , including glucocorticoids and cyclosporin .
5 One day the settee is opposite the door , the next it is where the telly was before it was swapped round with the nest of tables .
6 Am I right in supposing that one essential quality of poetry is that it is meant to be read aloud ?
7 The particular value of task-centred work is that it is based on an intention to form an agreement or contract between the client and the worker , thus freeing the client from the burden of always being a grateful recipient .
8 Now some doctors could conceivably still be frightened off , but we must presume , I think , that doctors are literate people , that they can understand what the law is if it is told to them , and the medical societies and other groups are making available to them the workings of this particular Act .
9 Another view of local budgeting is that it is dominated by habit , by small additions to or subtractions from the base budget .
10 Further , since he is only one of a significant group of bishops who came from court in the early seventh century , if there was any general transfer of secular authority to bishops in this period , and the evidence is far from clear on this , the likelihood is that it was condoned by the king .
11 Some writers have held that the essential thing about medieval law was that it was discovered , not made ; in so far as it was valid and sound , it was a reflection of divine law ; it partook of the nature of what in more recent times has been called ‘ fundamental law ’ .
12 Two five five , the reason why the Executive asked for withdrawal was because it 's moving us a bit too fast along this track , and it 's moving us in a particular direction before we 've had the time to think about whether that 's the right direction to go .
13 What is curious about Carnot 's work was that it was done using the obsolescent theory that heat was a weightless fluid , driving a steam-engine like water driving a water-wheel .
14 Secondly , he believed an essential condition of the triumph of the proletariat was that it be guided by Marxism .
15 The disadvantages of the Article were that it was perceived as dealing with ‘ representational ’ issues that were out of place in the Convention , that it undercut the position of non-liability of member States for treaties concluded by organisations , and that it placed excessive emphasis on the exceptional situation of the European Communities .
16 Their vision of ‘ the planet being as it were wrapped in telepathic or electronic thought of more and more brains working away ’ seems to her ‘ dangerously like the pollution that may stifle it ’ and ‘ essentially an elitist dream ’ ( 1981:388 ) .
17 I assume Chairman that that if this amendment is whether it is carried or not we should be debating the other amendments separately .
18 Its other main claim to fame is that it is credited with inventing the word tweed to describe the famous cloth first made in the area .
19 ‘ The danger is that it is perceived that your board is already committed to change .
20 because the obviously danger 's that it 's snapping the dowels and it 's which , it what happened on , on the case of the two dowels in n it ?
21 This is probably why , for most Prague linguists , part of the definition of theme is that it is given and part of the definition of rheme is that it is new .
22 The hypothetical action of VPDPR is that it is released from procolipase in the duodenum during digestion , is actively or passively absorbed , passes through the circulation to act on a receptor site in the central nervous system , and so inhibits , in the short term , further consumption of food , specifically that food which contains fat .
23 The hon. Gentleman has said that it is in the process of acquiring two incredibly beautiful works and the point is that it is acquiring them even though they cost much more than the nominal amount of Government grant available .
24 ( There was no way we could check this figure ; the point is that it was accepted as a social fact . )
25 My own opinion was that it was written by a Communist infiltrator .
26 To establish good communication with the guests is part of this job ; they are paying for service and how much nicer that service is if it is given with a smile by a person who takes a personal interest !
27 The weight of the evidence is that it is growing stronger and more united and , as I shall go on to argue , this can be best explained within the context of the culture-ideology of consumerism .
28 If Day-Lewis is the movie 's greatest strength then its most noticeable defect is that it was shot by two different cinematog-raphers , often with the same scene lit very differently as if taking place at contrasting times of day .
29 The differentiating characteristic of a coin as opposed to a piece of bullion is that it is issued with a recognised value by a competent authority .
30 It was coined in 1969 by the American scientist John Wheeler as a graphic description of an idea that goes back at least two hundred years , to a time when there were two theories about light : one , which Newton favored , was that it was composed of particles ; the other was that it was made of waves .
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