Example sentences of "might have be " in BNC.

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1 The risk of losing what little bust they might have is enough to discourage many an overweight lady from commencing to diet , so this diet must therefore be good news for them .
2 They have no ‘ implication of utterance ’ : whatever meaning potential they might have is remote from any realization , since the contexts which would provide the occasion for their use are of unlikely occurrence .
3 They begin with the essentially sound premiss that no physical property that one might have is a logically sufficient condition of one having a particular experience .
4 The only chance I might have is when he comes in with the tray .
5 Possibly the greatest fear one might have is that , because the lesson is relatively unstructured , it could grind to a halt .
6 The only influence really the woman might have is in the love and affection level of operating , and it 's a very unfair power battle and that is , in fact , what it turns into .
7 His early comedies might have been taken to represent an unheard-of civility from the back of beyond .
8 Charlie 's departure is the first of several , and this event is succeeded by the announcement of a further theme when the rabbi 's thunderings pass over the heads of his congregation and the writer notes : ‘ in later years I would wonder how different my life might have been if a few people , those closest to me , had been frightened — just a little . ’
9 There can be no claim that this is what Roth really thinks : the affidavit that might have been contained in The Facts has been withheld .
10 What might have been the nature of the inner religious conflict ?
11 The right moment to begin , he wrote , is the moment when right and wrong are no longer an issue , it may even be the moment , he wrote , when the realization dawns and is at once accepted that another moment might have been equally valid , and when this no longer matters .
12 None of that would of course be comprehensible to Moss and McGrindle , he wrote , to Pizzetti and Baiocchi , to Goldman and Goldstein , though Goldberg , to his credit , has had an inkling , has to some extent faced the thought that he might be wasting his whole life , for that 's what it comes down to in the end , he wrote , wasting a whole life when something useful might have been salvaged , something valuable perhaps , it is the refusal of those alternatives that occasionally makes one shiver .
13 All that and more went through my mind , wrote Harsnet , as I sat there in the moonlight in the silence , but it was as if it was the glass which was telling me this , that the glass was my mind as I thought that , or my mind the glass , and that was the reason for the fear and the cold and also for the sense of growing excitement and a fear then , a different kind of fear , that I would not be able to do anything with this excitement , that it would be my failure , my failure to realize what I now saw were the real possibilities of the glass , a failure for which I would never be able to forgive myself , though a part of me would always know or perhaps only believe that it was in the nature of my insight that there could be no realization of it , that it was precisely an insight about non-realization , but by then , wrote Harsnet , it had all become too complicated , too extreme , I did not want to know any of it until it was all over , until I had made my effort , perhaps it had been a mistake to come in and sit there with the glass through the night with the moon shining so brightly , it must have been full , or nearly full , unnaturally bright anyway , something to do with the solstice perhaps , to sit in the room with the glass alone or with the moon alone might have been bearable , in the dark with the glass or in the moonlight in an empty room , but the two together , the glass and the moon , that was perhaps the mistake .
14 Would n't speak to me for six months , but then his natural goodness of heart , as well perhaps as his gradual realization that I might have been right , that perhaps I had saved him from a fate worse than death , made it impossible for him to keep it up .
15 He was unable to observe , however — as he would have liked to do in his ever-observant way — just what the expression on Jilly Jonathan 's pretty face might have been .
16 He might have been obeyed .
17 ‘ Just as it might have been possible for you also , madame , ’ he had said .
18 She even had the audacity to suggest that I might have been ‘ carrying on ’ with Sir Vivien .
19 Wiping them might have been enough for most people — but not for somebody who was trying to do card tricks . ’
20 That might have been fun .
21 Readers have suggested that it might have been more profitable to give more space to fewer sorts of vegetable , but that would have been something of a soft option .
22 Most of these expensive incidents might have been avoided by this drill .
23 A lot of these deaths might have been prevented if people had been able to get out in time .
24 Well — if she had taken kindlier to her a year ago , we might have been wed by now , and I would have escaped the list . ’
25 They might have been like this for three centuries , and could be for three centuries more .
26 Indifferent student Leonard might have been formally , he was nevertheless already showing those precocious marks of the littérateur , ‘ always an ideas man , ’ as Rosengarten commented .
27 His reaction might have been enough to make her call a halt to the whole thing .
28 Smugglers , escaped convicts , drenched fishermen , or they might have been just watching the storm , voyeuristically curious to see a boat break up in choppy water .
29 But Mark 3 stock in its conventional form has been involved in accidents , and has been found to stand up with little crushing and buckling in potentially horrific situations where in older stock casualties might have been high .
30 There seems no reason , and the very business of raising such questions is itself part of a widespread collusive conjuring of absences and of whole worlds of what might have been .
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