Example sentences of "might be to " in BNC.

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1 One way to cut down on cars in cities might be to be to make this form of travel much less convenient , by cutting the number of parking places available in cities , for the public and companies alike — hardly popular measures .
2 As she was a devout Anglican , somewhat callously I may have thought that death to her was not the ‘ end ’ it might be to others .
3 It might be to Jeddah , or to Karachi , or to Budapest .
4 He must make decisions about what was historically important , not about , let us say , what was theologically or aesthetically important , significant though that might be to a believer or an artist .
5 The ability of the politician to provide patronage , of whatever nature , was never more than a tool of management , and however useful it might be to the man who could supply it , patronage in itself did not remove the need for active and continuous management of the voters included within the interest .
6 An alternative might be to just to ask whether some of our membership forms could be put out so that
7 These might be to : ‘ go swimming for thirty minutes after work once a week ’ , ‘ use the stairs rather than the lift ’ , ‘ walk to the restaurant instead of driving ’ .
8 " Might be to me .
9 Local transport agencies should be asked to consider changes in timetabling or re-routing where this might be to the benefit of staff .
10 I might be to you but it 's this is going to a parent !
11 While it might be to your advantage to do so at the earliest opportunity , there is nevertheless no legal urgency for you to make the journey other than at your convenience .
12 Whatever our personal reactions might be to a production , that is the only real test .
13 Burgess did n't much like leaving whatever risk there might be to the Inspector , but he did as he was told .
14 She suspected that the Bishop and the Archdeacon had invited her to the meeting more to enlist her help as a sleuth than as a source of information of a kind which might be to them , in any case , unwelcome .
15 He thought about how it might be to be , say , a fox confronted with an angry sheep .
16 The one I have chosen is this — brief , informal letters , written from time to time as our work proceeds , in a plain , straightforward style , as it might be to a friend .
17 … as it might be to a friend .
18 Attractive he might be to some people , but he was out of her league and anyway , she was n't interested .
19 Oh I would n't he might be to you but he 's worth it to us .
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