Example sentences of "work be be " in BNC.

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1 Specialist moulds for pâtisserie work are being imported from French company Matinox .
2 Two new pieces of frontier work are being pioneered .
3 Exhibitions of finished work are being held in galleries , craft centres , hotels and even churches .
4 Exhibitions of finished work are being held in galleries , craft centres , hotels and even churches .
5 The divisions of labour at work are being re-negotiated between unions and management , men and women , and people of different wages .
6 Where other levels of work are being done they will be given up as soon as satisfactory alternative arrangements can be made .
7 It was as if marks for the day 's work were being displayed in the school classroom , and they had a similar effect of inspiring competition .
8 the 363 students in or about to start work were being employed by 192 different employing organisations ( see Appendix A ) ;
9 research students at work were being employed by 61 different employing organisations 34 were industrial/commercial organisations and 27 were educational .
10 The joy was great , both upon the occasion of the day , and the work 's being completed , which is really a wonderful undertaking .
11 The only thing about work is are you working with oil ?
12 So that 's , that 's er , the women 's work is is work that is , the hours are too long , and the wages are really bad ?
13 Peter , North Yorkshire , on the former , Greater York , I think er I did undertake to consult with the county surveyor on the relationship er journey to work er and commuting around Greater York and that work is is in hand this morning .
14 Essentially it mean that er the work is is more or less complete and therefore we are pricing it on the basis of the actual out turn of costs .
15 Similarly , it would seem that an excessive amount of expensive building work is being put into palatial Government offices all over the country .
16 ( You shoot for three weeks , he points out , and three weeks later your work is being distributed to an audience larger than any cinema film short of Batman could hope to reach . )
17 ‘ Our work is being delayed simply through the lack of funding , ’ said Dr Klinowska .
18 In the United States work is being done on a vaccine which consists only of the outer covering of the virus particle and so avoids the dangers of using the virus 's nucleic acid core .
19 Rather the intention is to flag some of the key areas where relevant work is being carried out .
20 Today pioneering work is being carried out in every faculty : engineers work on the motor car engine — botanists on plant breeding — physicists on the production of images of the soft tissue of the human body using revolutionary new techniques — social scientists on the political development of Eastern Europe and on computer systems which mimic human experts — literary scholars produce new insights into the works of major writers .
21 Much of the field work is being carried out on the Upper Livulezi in Malawi .
22 Work is being extended to patients with irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) .
23 They 're called anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies and the work is being continued at Stanford University in California .
24 Very little in terms of child protection work is being done for them . ’
25 In virtually all cases the work is being done as joint ventures between eastern and western telecommunications companies ; the World Bank is providing funding for some projects .
26 ‘ It 's encouraging that work is being made which refuses this ridiculous demand for positive images , which tries to take on multiple aspects of identity .
27 HISTORIC war department buildings in Essex are being restored to their former glory.Jobless volunteers have started clearing overgrowth from around the wartime buildings at Beacon Hill , Harwich , paving the way for full restoration work in the future.The work is being organised by NACRO , the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders , on behalf of the Essex Training and Enterprise Council.Project supervisor Ray Rawlinson said the 18 people working at Beacon Hill were long-term unemployed and did not have criminal records.The buildings date back to the Napoleonic wars were updated during the first and second world wars .
28 NAS integrates the work people are doing , while the work is being done .
29 A preliminary desk study to establish a basic structural and stratigraphic framework has been made , a work programme has been designed , a consortium from the oil industry with BGS to support the work is being established , and detailed objectives are being finalised .
30 The back arc/foreland-basin model developed as a result of the work is being increasingly used to constrain regional geotectonic models of the collisional history of the Iapetus Suture Zone , presently being investigated in collaboration with the Newfoundland Geological Survey .
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