Example sentences of "right to be " in BNC.

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1 The thought that it might be right to be a monk kept coming back .
2 ‘ It would n't look right to be out of my own house on Christmas Day , ’ she answered ; that they were not yet married was left unsaid .
3 ‘ It 's not right to be joking about things like that , ’ he said .
4 ‘ Very serious grounds are needed to infringe anonymity , and it is generally accepted even by the Swedish judiciary that the public 's right to be informed takes precedence over law and order considerations , ’ said Ms Frances D'Souza , director of Article 19 , the International Campaign against Censorship .
5 They 're right to be ashamed , but of themselves , not of pop .
6 Loads of my friends are miserable over the way they look , and the media are basically saying , ‘ Yes , you 're right to be miserable .
7 As the Earl of Leicester is now dead , in whose keeping the King was by reason of the disturbance in the realm , and now by the favour of God the King is snatched out of his hands and raised again to his former estate , whereby with the common consent of the realm the King has caused all things attempted by the Earl for the diminution of the King 's right , honour and royal dignity to be revoked ; and whereas the forests north of Trent , which before the war in the time of the Earl were preserved whole and uninjured , have been disafforested and destroyed to the King 's disherison , the King commands the said Roger to re-afforest all the forests in his bailiwick as they were … before the war ; and if any part thereof ought of right to be disafforested , the King is prepared to do full justice .
8 And he thought , I must n't have these thoughts , I have no status here , I have n't even got the right to be jealous !
9 This subject may send shivers down your spine , but you are right to be alarmed , for whether it is the lowly woodworm or the dreaded deathwatch beetle , whether it is dry rot or wet rot , all weaken the structural timbers of a dwelling .
10 Are we right to be worried ?
11 This philosophy regards the individual 's right to be treated with respect as inviolate .
12 He is entitled as of right to be present at all meetings of the council , its committees and subcommittees .
13 The present churches are right to be concerned that many do not give themselves the opportunity to grow in any faith because apathy and false gods have moved into the vacuum that exists instead of a soul .
14 If they are not of God , then we are right to be wary .
15 Do you think people are right to be worried about the additives in our food ?
16 He is absolutely right to be scornful of the pretentious organisational plans that often pass for science policy in developing countries .
17 The French also agreed to acknowledge Anne 's right to be queen of England and to expel the Old Pretender from France .
18 It can be argued that it is a citizen 's right to be free to collect information about whatever and whoever he likes and to do it in any way which is not intrusive or injurious .
19 She 's right to be upset .
20 ( In such door to door visiting programmes it certainly seems right to be open to talk , to lead people to Christ or to pray for healing .
21 But Pascoe 's right to be concerned .
22 You are right to be concerned about protein levels , but without a very thorough understanding of canine nutritional science , you will end up tying yourself in knots .
23 She is right to be worried .
24 One can tell from his present ability that he 's right to be sorry , he might have gone on to be a famous international .
25 But surely we 're right to be terrified ?
26 The young man dead through sin ‘ is alive again ’ ( Luke 15:24 , 32 ) , ‘ so it is right to be glad ’ ( Meyer 1979:131 ) .
27 The owner said it 's not right to be mean to working class people .
28 ‘ I know you were against it , and right to be probably , but it does seem the only practical way out of the difficulty — she does adore Tom , you know , and she 's dreadfully lonely … . ’
29 In another Kontron application , a modal-analysis grid created by IBAS programming is superimposed on an optical image of biotite granite above right ( field of view 4 × 4 millimetres ) to allow a preconfigured grey-level classification below right to be overridden by the user where necessary , thereby combining the advantages of expert interpretation with the speed of the computer .
30 Blacks were right to be suspicious .
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