Example sentences of "made be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps the most crucial changes they made were to what Gordon referred to as the " macrostructure signalling " within the passage .
2 The first advances she herself made were to Sylvia , Sue 's four-year-old daughter .
3 There is no doubt that many of its customers have used loans in cases where they would previously have use ( more costly ) HP a 1977 survey showed that 59 per cent of the loans it made were for motor vehicle purchase .
4 Ironically , some of the breakthroughs we made were with others from the UK market .
5 Up to then , however , on Dr Anstey 's figures the profits made were at least the equal of most other areas of investment , with 9.5 per cent being the aggregate decennial average from 1761 to 1807 .
6 Every female role he made was for his wife , even though she was well past her prime ; Semenyaka 's youth was wasted stepping into others ' shoes .
7 An important study Haworth made was on how the disaccharides — compounds , including table sugar , made up from two basic carbohydrate units — are linked together .
8 The order which he in fact made was against the health authority requiring it to ‘ cause such measures ( including , if so required to prolong his life , artificial ventilation ) to be applied to [ the child ] for so long as they are capable of prolonging his life . ’
9 The noise she made was like a cry from hell , and James knew her suffering had turned this place into hell itself .
10 Hence the provision made was in the form of public sector over spill , particularly at Longbenton , but also within Wallsend and Tyne mouth County Borough .
11 ‘ Best investment I ever made was in that place .
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